View Full Version : Sore Neck Shoulders

11-12-09, 16:48
Hi for the last 2 weeks Ive had a very sore pain where my neck joins my shoulders. Its very tender and sore to touch and uncomfortable when I wear tshirts and coats, I've seen two doctors about it 1 said it was nothing because there isn't a rash or any indication of irritation and the other said that it was inflamed trapezius muscle and gave me diclofenac sodium tablets. problem is I have a phobia of tables even paracetamol I struggle and I'm not to sure what to do its got me really depressed all I seem to do is focus on it and ask ppl for reassurance. Ive been under alot of stress lately with university and other things just cant seem to shift it never had anything like this before with my anxiety :( anyone had anything similar ??


11-12-09, 17:16
Hi Shirtie I am currently going through the same symptoms and its really annoying, seems to ease off when i am relaxed. But i am going to go to the doctors because i think that it maybe something to do with the way i am sitting at my desk rather then my anxiety. Or it could be coming from my lower back, the think the problem is that i am just putting down to my anxiety because when i am anxious that is when it becomes sore. Went to a massage therpsit last week and she said that the muscles around my neck were really tense, hence having the sore shouldersm but can understand how uncomfortable it can be.

margaret jones
11-12-09, 17:18
Hi seems to me as if it could be stress are you holding yourself tense in the neck/shoulders ?? try to relax these muscules whenever yiu are sitting and see if this helps .I use heat around my shoulders a wheat bag or hot water bottle .
Hope it soon gets Better Margaret

11-12-09, 17:19
Hi there

I get those same sore neck muscles all the time! Neck muscles are particularly prone to carrying tension - even things like teeth grinding can inflame neck muscles...

If you don't like tablets, try applying gentle heat (hot water bottle) or using a muscle rub with menthol in it (Vicks is good for that!).

The tablet the doctor has given you is an anti-inflammatory. One of the safest and most commonly prescribed medications. Many athletes take them daily for years at a time with no side effects.

The best thing you can do for your neck is to do something for your mind - relax!

11-12-09, 17:20
Hey ! its the same with me it can calm down and then can get really painful :( I suppose it doesnt help me prodding and checking it all day and focusing on it aswell but just doesnt want to shift been on going for 2 weeks now, I work on computers alot and sit infront of one at uni aswell so Im starting to wonder if it has something to do with that.

11-12-09, 17:22
thanks for all the replys ! :), its one thing I never do is relax im always constanly worrying about things health being the biggest one and seems to shift from one thing to another, before this it was stomach aches and before that was chest pains list is endless.