View Full Version : cant cope

11-12-09, 18:28
why is it so hard..... want to be normal...............dont think i cant keep up...:weep:

11-12-09, 18:38
Hi Lilow12 not sure what it is your going through, but we all on here have various issues with anxiety, panic and depressive thoughts; in sense cause we face all this on a daily basis it is normal to us.
So I hope whatever your going through get's better for you, and that you'll find the help & support your looking for.

11-12-09, 19:04
Hi there,,,,,,I strive to be normal,,,,,but the question is What is normal ??? everyone suffers anxiety / has OCD tendancies / has health anxiety etc etc at 1 point or the other,,,,,it means that we are more sensitive than those people. thats all.

I would love to go shopping for clothes but at the moment I am not confident enough, but in time if i push myself each day, it becomes easier.

All the best



11-12-09, 19:13
I know exactly how you feel... This week I've been feeling worse and getting more anxious by the day, and I don't really have anyone I can talk to properly about how I'm feeling.

I'm determined to beat my problems, but right now it just seems so difficult.

11-12-09, 20:58
I'm having a really crappy couple of weeks too.

I was anxiety free for a couple of years now the sod is back with a vengence, however, take a few days/ weeks... relax and then start again.

have you seen the doctor, maybe he can help?


13-12-09, 12:16
Its hard - it is. Hope you have some up time soon. The one thing we know is anx comes in waves and can calm too. Hope this happens for you soon. Take care

14-12-09, 21:36
thank you all for ur kind advice... I think with xmas comin my anxiety is at a high.... I'm so use to my daily routine that anything else ive to do mess's my brain up.... like going shopping to other place's, kids school plays, xmas work party's.... I had my sisters two children stay over on saturday night... I was so streesed out about takin them, thinkin i was going to have massive panic attacks, but at the same time i wanted to give her a break as her little boy is only 6 weeks old... but i was so proud of myself as i got through the night with only a small amout of anxiety.. and he was sooo good he a little cuite pie xxx:) going to try give up the smokes and start some sort of excisres routine for the new year xxxx so be looking for loads of support lol :blush::)

14-12-09, 23:50
I don't have anyone to talk to either, I have social anxiety and today in class at college the other students were laughing at me. If you strive to be normal then your missing the point, normality is NOT a conscious thing, it's just second nature, if it were normal behaviour you wouldn't be thinking about it or monitoring it like your are so relax that self awareness, do what feels natural to you as you grow stronger, don't try fulfill other peoples expectations.