View Full Version : Feeling so low .

anx mum
11-12-09, 18:53
This year on and off has been awful for me:weep:. Recently been dianoigned with belles palsey and this week been feeling awful all right side of face feels numb eye is irritatting me and feel so tired. Got 2 young boys so its hard 2 rest. Feel very alone at mo even tho i have a wonderful partner and my 2 boys. Anyone there feeling the same?

11-12-09, 19:00
Hi, poor you,,,I hope that you start to feel better soon, I have a relative who has that and they did recover,,,,so its not all doom and gloom,,,take each day as it comes and do what you can, when you can,,,,,you have a lovely family to support you, so dont give in,,,,if ever you are feeling down,,,mail me,,,,

Kind regards

