View Full Version : I'm giving up coffee and cutting down on tea. Please support me!

11-12-09, 21:17
Hi guys and girls,

I'm terrible with caffeine and I *know* it's not good for me and probably keeps my anxiety going. So...I'm going to give up cofee and cut down on tea. Any attempts before haven't really lasted long. I've gone a week or so and then caved in. I need your support to keep me on track!! Any suggestions or general virtual kicks up the bum are greatfully received!


11-12-09, 21:19
Ohhhh you've done a me lol:D

I didn't drink coffee anyway but tea i would have about 10 cups a day of:scared15:

I switched to de caff about 2 weeks ago and actually i've been fine... i don't notice the difference.. have you tried decaff tea and coffee?


11-12-09, 22:18
Only suggestion I can make is, if you drink loads of coffee, cut down gradually. When I tried going cold turkey I had terrible headaches.

Good luck. :)

11-12-09, 22:48
Yup - going cold turkey is no good, as you'll get withdrawal symptoms. I've more-or-less packed in drinking tea over the last 3/4 weeks, save for the occasional cup and I'm a proper tea-pot! It can be done - just got to wean yourself off slowly. :)

11-12-09, 22:50
I agree with above, cut down gradually else it can be quite detoxing! Drink lots of water, i drank lots of herbal teas instead, won't give you the same kick but its warm at least hehe!


11-12-09, 23:46
I drink decaff coffee and tea and it's fine, When I visit friends who dont have decaff In can feel the difference straight away. You should try it.

13-12-09, 12:14
I came off of caffeine in 1988 or was it 89. I did it slowly...every other cup decaf then 2 cups to 1 caffeinated and so on. Took me three weeks. Now if I have caffeine and I did accidental in an anadin extra, I feel really shaky inside and out.

If you go cold turkey be prepared for some withdrawal - some people get diarrhoea and headaches

13-12-09, 23:00
Ohhhh you've done a me lol:D

I didn't drink coffee anyway but tea i would have about 10 cups a day of:scared15:

Blimey! That's worse than me!! I drink decaff coffee already. I've only had one cup today. I've had 2 cups of caffeinated tea cos I was at my parents but I bought some decaff tea today.

14-12-09, 11:30
I don't drink coffee but used to drink a lot of tea. I changed to decaf Tetleys and felt loads better. Also chocolate has a lot of caffiene, I gave that up and felt so much better but have started eating it again for December only (can't miss out on my Xmas chocolate treats). As of 1st January I am chocolate free again

07-01-10, 23:22
Ok...I haven't given up coffee but I'm on both decaff tea and coffee and trying to drink more water (I had a kidney infection last week though)

I'm also giving up wine...not that I drink much already but it always ends up in me feeling depressed when I do!

09-01-10, 11:35
Hi, im with you there. After reading cutting out caffiene helps anxiety, I have given up my daily 3 cups of tea, which I miss, but will be getting some decaff tea as a replacement...any recommendations for a nice decaff tea?
Have noticed actually ive had a headache hovering (like not fully banging, but still noticeable in the background) for the last few days since I stopped, is that because Ive stopped having my tea then??

Also chocolate has a lot of caffiene, I gave that up and felt so much better but have started eating it again for December only (can't miss out on my Xmas chocolate treats). As of 1st January I am chocolate free again

OMG totally didnt even think that chocolate had caffiene. arghhh that'll be tough, I love chocolate!!! Can u get decaff chocolate? lol

Good luck to all who are giving up. x

09-01-10, 12:46
I too have drastically cut down on caffeine as like you I strongly believe it to be linked to my anxiety attacks.

I have cut down from 7+ cups a day to 4 a day last week and now 3 a day from here on in.
Decaff tea definatley helps as I belive a large part of the "addiction" is the hand movment and warmth effect you get as opposed the actuall caffeine as it remains in your system for 3-4 hrs anyway.

magic girl
10-01-10, 14:31
iv gone over to decaff tea but some brands do taste different iv found tetley decaff the best so far:D

10-01-10, 15:52
iv gone over to decaff tea but some brands do taste different iv found tetley decaff the best so far:D

Agreed it is almost exactly the same

11-01-10, 11:51
I'm with you on this one. I have been weaning off for weeks now (i was a coffee addict)! I am now down to one cup of tea in the morning and i am happy to leave it at that. For the rest of the day besides water, i am drinking Rooibos Tea making it the same as my normal tea and it tastes so so similar i no longer miss my caffeine fixes!
To be honest though, i can't say i am feeling any better at all! I did this to help reduce my eptopics but they have been coming with a vengeance lately!! So i'm thinking it has all been a waste of time?!

11-01-10, 15:26

I can't drink anything with caffeine in it but decaff tea and coffee are fine I
don't really think they taste any different. You could try herbal teas too if you fancy a change. I drink camomile tea as much as I drink ordinary tea these days. And peppermint tea is good for churning or full tummies :)

I can't eat cheap chocolate. It isn't the caffeine so much as the additives that affect me I think. I can only eat expensive chocolate like Lindt - which is SUCH a tragedy I'm sure you'll agree :winks: