View Full Version : think am going to die help me

11-12-09, 22:25

i having blood test done for full blood count and helicobacter pylori serology

i think i got Stomach Cancer

11-12-09, 22:29
You are not going to die. H.pylori is tested on almost everyone at one time or another. Plus a CBC. They are just checking to make sure there is no reason for whatever issue you are having, less a low iron etc. Try not to worry they are very routine tests and you are not dying. Huge hugs.

11-12-09, 22:32
i shouldnt gone googleing
i had lot acid foods and drunk vinager in my time

i been having heartburn witch is a early sign

11-12-09, 23:31
i told my doctor my fears and he say we not even looking for that

am in such a mess he even give me diazepam to try calm me me down

i cant stop freaking out

12-12-09, 10:30
has any one had full blood count and helicobacter pylori serology blood test done at the same time?

12-12-09, 10:34
I've had helicobactor pylori twice. It's a tummy bug that responds to antibiotics. It can cause stomach acid, discomfort and small ulcers. It is absolutely nothing to worry about. Thousands of people have it and don't even know it. I know lots of people who have been tested positive for it. Please, try not to worry about it too much. It's a common tummy bug and can always be treated.
Myra x

12-12-09, 10:36
yes have it was all fine they do it just to make sue everything ok ,it does not mean you have caner 100000000 of peolehave these tests i was a nures let me reasure you ,,it will be ok your making it worse worrying so much ,

12-12-09, 10:44
thank you so much you 3:hugs:

i know should'nt panic as on the request forum for blood it say's it's for indigestion nos, if they thought something was up with my stomach it would'nt be sent there now woyuld it?

12-12-09, 10:48
if they thought you had they would give you a special test i had it you send your motion over 3 days to cancer testing centre ,,.that one of first thing they would do so please stay calm ,please your going to be ok they will give you med to stop acid build up

12-12-09, 10:55
the odd thing is since i been to the doctor's, i not had any heartburn. thats the reason why i went as i have had heartburn for 9 day's.
i been taken lansoprazole that i had left over and zantac

andrea thompson
12-12-09, 11:05
hi hon... i had the same bood tests done about week ago and like you i was in a right state with myself, thought there was something seriously wrong with me.... when i went to the dr for the results turned out i needed some iron tablets.... that blod test for the heli what ever its called is to see if there is a bug present that would sugest a stomach ulcer... i had one years ago... not at all serious... i did have an ulcer and took tablets for a week and then all clear... no problemo... please try not to worry... you will be fine.... x x

12-12-09, 11:07
Dont worry hun, anxiety has given me loads of stomach problems. I have Gaviscon after all meals and before bed. I know it sounds simple but it helps. Ive been prescribed Omeprazole as rinitidin didnt help me much. x

12-12-09, 11:10
well you should be glad its gone so stay calm xx

12-12-09, 11:16
its the full blood count that panics me silly i know but thats me lol

i forgot to ask the doctor do i have to stop eatting and drinking at set time before the test?

12-12-09, 12:20
i like to ask one more thing if i could

since thursday night i had massive pain in my shoulder this pain go's from my shoulder to down round my breast area and it hurts when i move round with it or when i roll over in bed is it wind or have a pull something?

12-12-09, 13:09
believe it or not this can be brought on by strees we all get them on here

12-12-09, 13:43
just feels like when i bring up wind it feels better for a few seconds

13-12-09, 00:45