View Full Version : Is there anyone that can help me? Can't take anymore

11-12-09, 22:52
Hello :(
I think i'm going to find it hard to put it into words how terrible I feel, but I'll give it a go...
I am struggling so much at the moment. Every night I go to sleep knowing that the next day will be as bad as the one I've just had. Every morning I wake up wishing I had stayed asleep. (As it's the only time I am at peace).

Not being able to catch my breath is probably my most frequent and frightening symptom. (I have that now)
Ive had a variety of things recently, usually new things each day.
They've been.. a painful chest, severe tightness in my throat, over-breathing, obsessive coughing and clearing my throat, TERRIBLE CATARRH, a really itchy tickly throat (which is why im coughing) and from all that coughing I've given myself a chest infection in the past, and i have strained muscles right now from it. And guess what just came on... I have a soreness on the side of my throat :( And I'm thinking all sorts of stupid things, like my throats gonna close up. As it feels all air bubbly, uncomfortable and weird.

I feel like im stuck in a black, deep hole with all these 'illnesses' and I cannot escape. I cry every single day and pray for it to all stop. But it never does, and if one goes, i get a new symptom. In fact the only way I can stop worrying about one thing, is if another comes. I feel like i'm going round in never ending circles. Like I can't escape this nightmare.

Has anyone else ever experienced any of these problems, or stuck in a similar situation to the one i'm in now? I just feel SO totally alone. My parents just roll their eyes at me, say I make excuses not to do things and don't understand. My college friends are fed up of me going on about my problems. My boyfriend of 10 months nearly finished with me over it, as it's dragging him down too. I feel like I have nobody to confide in. I just don't want to be here anymore. I don't know where to turn.

Any help will be so, so, so much appreciated.
Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read this.
Kash x

11-12-09, 23:15
Hey, i really feel for you i know excatly what your going through! I to had the constant sorre throat and the feeling on a lump/hair ball. As u said one symptom goes another one comes, unforunatly my parents are like yours because as i got the all clear from the hospital they know nothings wrong, at least ur bf is sticking by you my gf ended it with me :(

12-12-09, 05:12

I'm sure we can all relate to how you are feeling. Although you may not always see it, there's always a light at the end of the dark tunnel. We simply have to get there. It takes time and energy.

Anxiety is a vicious circle. It is fueled by our obsessive thoughts and amplify our symptoms.

It's not easy to block these negative thoughts, but the more you try, the easier it will get.



12-12-09, 10:30
Hello :(
I think i'm going to find it hard to put it into words how terrible I feel, but I'll give it a go...
I am struggling so much at the moment. Every night I go to sleep knowing that the next day will be as bad as the one I've just had. Every morning I wake up wishing I had stayed asleep. (As it's the only time I am at peace).

Not being able to catch my breath is probably my most frequent and frightening symptom. (I have that now)
Ive had a variety of things recently, usually new things each day.
They've been.. a painful chest, severe tightness in my throat, over-breathing, obsessive coughing and clearing my throat, TERRIBLE CATARRH, a really itchy tickly throat (which is why im coughing) and from all that coughing I've given myself a chest infection in the past, and i have strained muscles right now from it. And guess what just came on... I have a soreness on the side of my throat :( And I'm thinking all sorts of stupid things, like my throats gonna close up. As it feels all air bubbly, uncomfortable and weird.

I feel like im stuck in a black, deep hole with all these 'illnesses' and I cannot escape. I cry every single day and pray for it to all stop. But it never does, and if one goes, i get a new symptom. In fact the only way I can stop worrying about one thing, is if another comes. I feel like i'm going round in never ending circles. Like I can't escape this nightmare.

Has anyone else ever experienced any of these problems, or stuck in a similar situation to the one i'm in now? I just feel SO totally alone. My parents just roll their eyes at me, say I make excuses not to do things and don't understand. My college friends are fed up of me going on about my problems. My boyfriend of 10 months nearly finished with me over it, as it's dragging him down too. I feel like I have nobody to confide in. I just don't want to be here anymore. I don't know where to turn.

Any help will be so, so, so much appreciated.
Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read this.
Kash x
hi kash my name is pixy and i know how you feel i have been in that dark hole for so long now and i dont know where to turn i suffer from depresson and anxiety and have done so most of my life my advice to you is go and see your doc and he will give you something for your anxiety that will help you through this difficult time it is hard for people who have never suffered from things that we do to understand what its like my marriage almost came to a end because of the way i was feeling he dident understand but then i dident either so its very hard sleep is my saveior i also dont want to wake up to face another day but we must just get on the meds i am on at the min have helped me a bit took the edge of some of my problems so try my friend not to worry there are so many people out there that feel the same and you will find them on this forum so you take care and i will speak to you soon pixy:bighug1:

sarah jayne
12-12-09, 10:38
Hi, i understand what you are going through, im exactly the same. Im always ill, its never ending, i have constant headaches, chest and arm pain, pins and needles, numbness and for the past few weeks my ankle has been very swollen and im struggling to walk. Like you the only peace i get is when im asleep. I nearly split up with my husband a couple of months ago over it, i know he loves me but he struggles to understand what im going through. Im sorry i cant give you any advice but if you ever need a chat then feel free to pm me.
Sarah xxx

12-12-09, 20:52
Hey and thanks for sharing. I know what your going through. And at times we must let ourselves feel that we cant take it (even if we can). I lost all my "friends", all of them because of panicanxiety/G.A.D and the behaviour (I tried escaping it in so many bad ways) it caused. Its sad, to feel that noone udnerstands. Yeah like you choose to feel like this cause you want to. People will always judge you. But they would never trade places with either one of us. So if they are judging you but dont want to understand the symptoms/diagnoses then they arent worth your time. You arent alone. In any way. Plenty of us feel that way. You just have to ride this period through. And I know what you mean with the symptoms switching and the horror one feels when new ones arrive. But its possible to become free one day. This is true for both you and me. Keep fighting. In the end it will all be worth it. I hope we all here can light a spark at the end of the tunnel for you. You are not alone.