View Full Version : brain tumor?

12-12-09, 00:19
hey guys,

i started going to this site 6 or 7 months ago. i have terrible anxiety over health problems. back when i started going here, my worries were over a brain tumor. the worries stopped once school started but they're back once again. i really can't imagine living my life worrying over something like this. i get headaches here and there along with some weird pains. my hearing sort of fades in and out a lot, it might be tinnitus- i don't understand why i'm getting this. nonetheless, i really don't have symptoms yet i can't stop worrying. how do i stop this???

12-12-09, 01:37
Anxiety can do all kinds of strange things to a body. For me the only constant is that my pain and other odd symptoms seem to migrate around my body and leave for a while then come back. I wish I knew how to stop it. My only suggestion is keep yourself busy, exercise and try to get plenty of sleep. You would be amazed how much this can help. Good luck and please post whenever you need to.

13-12-09, 19:46
thank you so much for your reply; i do find that keeping myself busy helps but only for that period of time.

could this all be caused by hypothyroidism? i seem to have the symptoms for it and i have read that it can cause anxiety. does anyone know anymore info concerning this?

14-12-09, 16:31
I am not a doctor but I am guessing you googled and found that your symptoms could be from the thyroid so I am not one to tell you that it isn't your thyroid but I will tell you that unchecked anxiety can mimic almost any disease. Most of us on this site have convinced ourselves of almost everything finally to have testing and be told that it is probably anxiety. There are great books out there dealing with anxiety and health anxiety in particular. I really like the book by Asmundson (sp?) called "it's not all in your head". Books by Weekes are good too. Try to stay away from google and keep a very detailed symptoms journal. a journal helps me look back for my current symptoms. Most of the time I find that I had similar symptoms some time ago and they went away without any "real" disease being found. Good luck