View Full Version : Joint, muscle pain with cold feet and hands

12-12-09, 06:58
For months now I have been feeling pretty good with my anxiety but I have been having nearly constant cold hands and feet with patches of cold on migrating parts of skin. I have also been having lots of pain in my joints and muscles. I have read that anxiety over long periods of time can have an effect on the nervous system but I am starting to have fear that this is MS or something else dreadful. Anyone that can relate to this and let me know that this is all going to be OK would be great. I have also been wondering if I am just suppressing my anxiety and this is another way to let it out. Any words at all would be fantastic.

I am really starting to freak out.

12-12-09, 17:30
I doubt very much that it's a serious neurological illness. As you say prolonged anxiety can cause all types of symptoms and you need to address your anxiety issues. This doesn't mean that prolonged anxiety and somatisation will lead to these diseases though, so don't worry about that. These illnesses like MS/ALS/MND/MD can strike regardless of anxiety and somatisation.

Some people don't get the psychosomatic problems as much as others, so it's down to your individual genetics. I think problems like this can be the beginnings of syndromes like fibromyalgia (which I've suffered from) and chronic fatigue, so it's very important to deal with the underlying factors like anxiety and stress.

I don't know whether you've been to a doctor but I would think it'd be a good idea if you haven't. You'll feel 10 times better once you control your anxiety levels.

13-12-09, 05:43
Does anyone else get this cold feet and joint pain? Based on the lack of responses I am getting pretty freaked out. Please talk to me.

13-12-09, 06:39
Perhaps you should take the time to thank the people that do bother to reply.

13-12-09, 10:58
Oh eeeep.....

Yes i get joint and muscle pain... not cold feet though, hot..... i think its just a symptom of anxiety hun.... try not to worry about it.

13-12-09, 12:35
Do you want a medical explanation for cold feet and hands? Go to your doctor.

If you want a basic explanation from a plain old geeky research student, it's quite simple, really...

When you panic, or even breathe incorrectly (for example; too quickly, too slowly, chest breathing, mouth breathing...) your blood supply is not as easily mobilised to the peripheries - those are the outward parts of your limbs like feet and hands. Other people also get sensations like pins and needles and tingling. These can be alarming, but are no cause for further panic.

In answer to your question? Personally, yes. I do get cold hands and feet quite frequently. Sore joints sometimes, and chronically sore neck muscles and leg muscles.

These types are often attributed to anxiety, they are incredibly common. Other syndromes such as chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia also produce these symptoms.

Go easy on yourself. I find it much easier to be nice to other people - but to be good to myself? That's a real challenge. The body is a complex and intriguing series of organs and processes. It's also an incredibly intuitive thing. Your body is telling you to look after it, and to look after yourself. Listen to it.

13-12-09, 14:17
Hi there, I get very cold hands and feet and also have suffered with joint pains in my neck and legs for months....try not to worry its quite common but I too have been wondering what is going on but am sure its just the anxiety.

13-12-09, 14:36
Hi There,

I get pain, tingling, twitching and aches and I have been told they are ALL down to my anxiety. I find that hard to believe, but I seen a well-respected neurologist who has assured me that all is OK and I am healthy apart from my high level of anxiety. Very difficult to relax, I know, and definitely worth talking to your GP. I am on medication - perhaps you need something to help you too.

Good luck,

Optimist x

13-12-09, 15:00
Perhaps you should take the time to thank the people that do bother to reply.

I totally agree there ! Sometimes people will not bother to reply to your later posts if you do not ackowledge them .If members have taken the time to reply ,its surly not much to ask to write the word Thanks ??? We have had this mentioned before .You have had some good responses and I hope its put your mind at ease .? Sue

14-12-09, 16:34
Thanks to everyone who has posted. I didn't mean to dismiss anyone's response I was simply freaking out and when that happens I don't always think of others. Anyway, the pain and burning has subsided a bit. Thanks again.

22-12-09, 18:37
Hi J2,

I'm having similar trouble at the moment. I seem to have been permanantly cold this past month or so. I often don't seem to warm up all day. May hands and feet are particularly cold and my hands have been really achey in the joints too. I'm terrified as I've just found out that my Uncle has it. He's only 51. I'm worrying a lot about whether I'm walking properly (cause my legs ache too) and whether I'm pronouncing my words right. Nightmare, eh. Do you have any other symptoms?

Blue. x

22-12-09, 19:37
Funny you mention the words thing. I feel like I am having trouble with the same thing. I am having strong headaches and patches of burning on my skin too. The joint pain comes and goes and migrates around my body. Right now it isn't too bad but the general muscle pain is still here. Also, I feel like my forearms are weak. I know this sound crazy but that is where I am at right now. Let me know your other symptoms. Maybe we can be crazy together :) Honestly, I hope you feel better and I am sure this is all anxiety.

26-12-09, 15:40
I felt a bit relieved when I found your post as it sounds so much like what I am going through. Obviously I am sad for you too (didn't mean to sound hearltess!) but it's reassuring to know that I am not alone :)

My body feels so tired and achey and my muscles and joints hurt radomly all over my body, especially over the last week. I've got myself into a total state about MS/ALS/MND - in fact I don't really know much about them but I know that they are bad and I'm too scared to google in case I worry myself even more (if that's possible). Someone at DH's work was diagnosed with MND and has gone downhill rapidly. I'm petrified that it's something terminal or that will progress quicky. I've got a docs appointment on Tuesday but am panicking that something will happen to me before that (it sounds crazy actually saying it but the fear is paralyzing).

I've been poorly with chest infections since August and have had numerous antibiotic, etc. The doc has referred me as he says it isn't normal to keep geting them - I did have a chest xray in october which was clear but I know that they don't show up all types of lung cancer. I also had a hospital stay about 4 or 5 weeks ago for a ovarian cyst which they said are 'usually'nothing. Of course now that I have these aches and pains on top of everything else I can only think of the worst case scenario and I can't cope.

Is your whole body affected with the pains? I hope you are beginning to feel better.

T x

27-12-09, 02:21

I am sorry you are in such a state. To answer your question, yes my pains and aches are all over. In my muscles and my joints. They are sometimes in the tips of my fingers are deep inside my calf muscle. I feel weak at times and unsteady. It is especially bad if I get poor sleep. There seems to be no end to this but I am doing better mentally so I hope the pains go away soon. As to your concerns, I am no doctor but I have been where you are now with the extreme fear and inability to stop your mind from racing. You are stronger than you think, you managed to keep away from google when most of us can't. You will make it to your dr. appt on Tuesday and you will leave there feeling better. Anxiety totally attacks our nervous systems and can literally short out the electrical impulses that give us sensation. I trully hope this letter post helps and please post whenever you need to. Good Luck and God bless.

19-05-18, 00:04