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12-12-09, 14:09

I'm glad to have found this website and find reading the various symptoms and explanations as to why panic attacks occur is a real help.

I lost both of my grandparents in difficult circumstances in quick succession last year. Then other family members were hit by illness. I was also going through promotion in work which was also very stressful. I am single at the moment and do not have a partner to confide in etc, so faced and thought I was coping with all those events myself.

In September last year I began having strange symptoms, (which I now believe are panic / anxiety attacks). I have been to my GP on numerous occasions - he tells me I am simply worn out and over tired.

I have all the textbook symptoms metioned on this website. They have started lessening; I have good weeks and bad weeks, but generally I'd say things were improving. I hope they continue to do so and hope that this forum may also add to that recovery.


12-12-09, 14:16
Dear Chris,

I too suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and Panic attacks. These hit me to 2 years ago after a sudden death in the family and also dealing with a high stress job.

I am married and my spouse cannot relate to what I am feeling. I am sorry you feel you have no one to confide in, but I just want to let you know that even if you do, nobody seems to understand unless they have experienced this too.

You will find lots of support here and we are all walking in the same shoes. We all experienced different events that brought us here, but we can all relate. I hope you feel better soon and that you get lots of support here.

12-12-09, 14:18
Hi Chrish_H

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-12-09, 14:23
Thank you, the main hurdle for me was accepting that I didn't have anything medically wrong with me and also remembering that fact; it's easy to forget at times I think.

12-12-09, 17:37
Hello Chrish H welcome to NMP