View Full Version : Help feels like ive had a stroke

anx mum
12-12-09, 14:33
:weep: Really dont know how much more i can take feeling so low at mo. As many of u know my doc has recently diagnosed me with belles palsey which is like ur one side of ur face goes numb eye waters and feels swollen i suffer with anxiety anyway thats just gone sky high im panicking like mad. Feel so down an alone just wanna b alright for xmas finding it hard 2 look after my boys

12-12-09, 14:38
you haven't had a stroke bells palsy is not to do with the brain

anx mum
12-12-09, 15:35
with a stroke does everything go? Speech vision, lifting etc

Cell block H fan
12-12-09, 15:54
Bells palsy causes one side of the face to droop, its not a stroke.
My step mum had a stroke & didn't know it straight away, but she has since lost most of the use of one of her arms. My dad has to paint her nails, straighten her hair etc. I know they vary, but I really wouldn't be worrying about that if you have been diagnosed with Bells palsy, even less so if you are young ish.

margaret jones
12-12-09, 16:02
Hi Hun you have not had a stroke Like Gypsy says it is not to do with the brain

please try and accept it and i am sure you will make a speedy recovery

Take Care Margaret

12-12-09, 16:58
Trust your doctors anx mum. They would know if it was a serious neurological problem like stroke.

The condition you've been diagnosed with is to do with the nerves in your face, not the brain. Keep in mind that it will improve a bit more everyday and you'll be back to normal eventually.

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 13:30
Hi hun, how are you feeling ? I hope your feeling a bit better ! I havent heard from you in a few days, I hope your ok.
Sarah x

anx mum
15-12-09, 14:09
Well been 2 see a private neuro today he said they was a weakness in side of my right face so scared he thinks its from an infection really feels like ive had some sort of stroke feel so alone at mo my partner not bein supportive. My HA is sky high

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 14:26
Did he say what sort of infection ? Your not alone, im here if you need a chat ! Well thats not when im at the doctors or running around after my kids lol . Have you tried sitting your partner down and explaining how you feel, he might not realise that hes not giving you enough support ( after all hes a man lol) xxx

15-12-09, 15:58
Hi there. I dont understand what the neuro is saying. If you have Bells Palsy you are obviously going to have a weakness on one side of your face - thats what it does to you. I really feel for you at this time. When I had Bells Palsy I was absolutely distraught but it just takes time to go away. It felt like a lifetime when I had it but it was only a matter of weeks. Feel free to PM me if you want to ask anything.

Cell block H fan
15-12-09, 20:56
Well been 2 see a private neuro today he said they was a weakness in side of my right face so scared he thinks its from an infection really feels like ive had some sort of stroke feel so alone at mo my partner not bein supportive. My HA is sky high

Private neuro? So you're paying him? I would trust the doctor more, personally. Bells palsy has that affect on one side of the face, whats he on about infections for?
I'm sounding like a stuck record sorry lol

15-12-09, 21:40
Bells Palsy can occur as a side effect of a viral infection. A coworker of mine had a nasty cold/flu and woke up one morning with Bells Palsy, she couldn't blink or anything.

15-12-09, 21:59
Can I just put your mind at rest, my grandmother developed Bells Palsy just like you've described when she was in her thirties, just woke up with it one morning, said one side of her face dropped.

She said it didn't last very long and she's now nearly 80, healthy live and kicking, with absolutely no remnants of bells palsy - she's completely normal.

16-12-09, 02:38
Skippy is right...my coworker with BP, it went away after 2-3 weeks.