View Full Version : Sleep Please. I'm feeling defeated.

12-12-09, 16:12
I've finally come to accept my anxiety, and all of its nasty symptoms, Derealization, Mind-chatter, Fears of going insane, losing control etc.

And I actually felt like I was getting better.

And personally, when I had severe difficulty with my anxiety, sleeping was my escape.
It was the only bit of peace it felt like I got.
I loved it.

But recently, my sleep has gone from bad, to worse, to non-existent.
I lie down, close my eyes, shut off all the lights, wait..And nothing happens.
I lie there for hours on end.
I get probably about 3-4 hours of sleep per night.
Now usually I could deal with no sleep, but it feels kind of personal.
Like the anxiety took something away from me, like my only bit of peace with my life, stolen.
Anxiety has not only taken my social, and academic life, but it had to take sleep too.
Ignore the negativity, but it's hard not get upset over it.
I feel utterly defeated.
I hate the feelings of irrationality, and irritability that come along with sleep deprivation.
Anyone have some tips for how they deal with insomnia?
I'd like to beat this as soon as possible.

12-12-09, 16:18
if you dont like sleeping tablets from Doctor ,you could try nytol strong strength this is only thing i can think of plus listen to relaxing music

12-12-09, 17:06
Anxiety and insomnia is a recipe for disaster. I've suffered from insomnia for a long time and when I go through a bad spell I take sleeping pills - although I hate doing this.

Go see your doctor because you really don't want to carry on like this.

13-12-09, 11:45
Yeah, I think I'm going to do that.
This is honestly no way to live, and it's not like just waiting it out is going to do anything to help my anxiety, or insomnia.
I guess sometimes you have to allow yourself to be medicated.

Thanks for your replies.