View Full Version : Hiv Panic

12-12-09, 19:39

I was potentially exposed to the HIV infection by having anal intercourse which was unprotected (i recieved) however the guy i slept with assured me he was HIV- but naturally there is no garuentees, anyways its been about 5 weeks since it happened and now i have a bad sore throat and runny nose and am worried this is a sign of accute HIV infection!

Does this normally happen or is this just a cold?

Any help really grateful! :) x

12-12-09, 20:09
It is probably a cold but you should get a test done anyway for your own peace of mind.

12-12-09, 20:49
Far too soon to have any symptoms, get a blood test done to settle your mind. And please, please get protected. Don't let anyone touch you without some form of protection. Be very careful.

agent orange
13-12-09, 09:24
I would get tested asap, as there are other sexually transmitted diseases you could get, other than HIV. Hepatitis can be more prevelant than HIV, so i would be tested to make yourself sure and yes don't have unprotected sex, it's not worth it unless you know that person is clear.

13-12-09, 15:25
Dont know if im allowed to ask this, but did the guy ejaculate in you(analy)

If he did, then DEFO get a test, but im pretty confindent you be okay.

If he didnt then I really doubt you would have anything to worry about.

But all being said, each time you get a cold from now on you will be panicking & wonfdering & thats no way to live a life when a simple test will sort you out.

Its scary doing it but imagine how good you will feel when the result comes back negative!

13-12-09, 17:49
Went through a simular thing myself earlier this year i was convinced i had contracted hiv and like you i thought i had symptoms related to it. I had a test after 6 weeks which came back negative and another test after 3 months which also came back ok. After reading up on it i also now realise how difficult it is to actually become infected with it. I am sure you will be ok.

19-01-10, 08:26
Sorry for digging up an old thread but this is something that really concerns me at the moment. I am going for a test this week but stupidly googled it and saw all these generic symptoms. Admittedly the only clear one I had was feeling tired and achy but I have a young daughter and work full time.

Then I read that you can get cold like symptoms and I had those and a couple of stomach upsets and stuff over the last couple of months and a cold in the last few weeks. But then the rest of my house also had a cold and I suffer from IBS so bouts of stomach cramps and upsets happen.

I don't know what to think but I am really scared. I was made to have sex repeatedly and now I am so worried about it.