View Full Version : tired of feeling like this

12-12-09, 19:58
I am so tired of feeling like this now... I have health anxiety linked to heart attacks blood clots etc. Thus I am very aware of my pulse, any thing strange in my body etc. Now I ache all over, my right arm aches (probably from using laptop).. I am tired of always expecting the sorst, always feeling for things to be wrong, worrying when they are not, then panicing when I get the symptoms back. I can;t handle stress anymore, my realtionship is suffering and I am feeling so low... How does everyone cope with this??? I am waiting CBT but until then (the wait could be months) what can I do to help get over this??? thanks guys! xxxx

12-12-09, 20:42
I know how you feel to some extent, I'm feeling really low today after a bad night last night, and I'm constantly on edge and worrying about my health (albeit in more indistinct ways that yours, I just have a general feeling of dread that something is wrong).

The first thing to remember is that if you were genuinely that ill, you wouldn't have been able to type that message, in fact you probably wouldn't have felt like it. Also remember how long you've been worrying about your health, and then think back to how many times you've been ill with whatever terrible ailment you thought you had. I would guess the answer is probably never, in which case you can be pretty much certain that your worries are wrong this time too.

I know it's not as easy as telling yourself that, but it's a first step to realising that you're going to be okay beyond the horrible feelings that anxiety brings you, and that those feelings will subside as you let go of your worries.

12-12-09, 21:01
It appears to me that people on here are far too hard on themselves, including yourself. Most are hard working people who put way too much stress on their plates. You my friend are some what like the rest of us, you worry too much, you most probably work too hard and never have anytime for YOU! Definitely working mentally too hard for sure....let go and stop it!

I have a brother who has had a heart attack and I am constantly anxious and he is so chilled you wouldn't believe it. My doctor said to me, the anxiety and panic is making your heart more healthy, hows that I said, it's like giving your heart a workout, all that adrenaline your pumping into it. I mentioned my brother and he said, he's laid back heart pumping way to slow and got blogged. Your bloods moving way too fast for that to happen....so if your as anxious as me....don't worry, you will have a heart as strong as a bull. I am getting palpitations now, as I want to say the right thing to you and not cause you any more anxiety.

Please don't be hard on yourself - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.

12-12-09, 21:35
know how you feel

i gone about 4 months since my last health anxiety thought i beat it now its back

15-01-10, 19:37
Hi I started with bad anxiety in July 09 hit me like a ton of bricks - neva felt so bloody ill in my life - was off work for 4 months - just gone back and started feeling ill the last couple of days - tired and dizzy. Am on Lofemaprine been on them since Nov which have been fab up until now - no horrible side effects like I had with Citalopram or Prozac. Would personally recommend these tabs if u not tried them. Also enjoyed reading the gentlemans reply above on your heart having a work out - he is sooo right!!! Anxiety sufferers think far too much and worry far too much. Am seeing a CBT counsellor who tells me to think- Whats the worse that can happen??? When I am starting to feel panicky, I ask myself this and find it helps - panic attacks will not kill you. If you try to chill out - so will I :D

15-01-10, 20:00
such lovely posts .... I too suffer mild HA and am currently attending CBT sessions they seem to be helping a little bit I think it is important to have ME time I too work part time in can you believe it In a doctors surgery not good for HA lol .... I hope these horribe feelings soon pass take care

15-01-10, 20:49
GAza's post is brilliant! What a good way to think about it.. as having some healthy exercise! No wonder my heart's in good shape despite how crappy I feel!