View Full Version : please help ,freaking out, anyone with similar experience?

12-12-09, 21:40
Dear Friends

I hope someone can help me, i am distraught and cant cope, it all started in the early hours of tuesday morning, was woken by tummy pains and knew i needed to go to the toilet, it took a while but eventually managed to pass a stool, a few small ones, tummy pain continued back to toilet, soft bowel movement, and then diarrhoea, this in itself is not that unusual for me as i have had irritable bowel since i was a teenager, but what happened next has never happened before, had to go back to the toilet again, and all i was passing was bloody mucus, varying in colour from bright red to pale pink and this continued for the day, not a huge amount , but totally freaked me out to the point of hysteria, phoned nhs 24 and was so distressed they told me to go to the gp out of hours service, the gp there had a few sensible things to say,but a few things i found a bit unacceptable, mainy i should go home and chill and smoke a spliff, followed by a 'only kidding', and also they would have wiped their A**e and went back to bed, not really that helpful is it... anyway went to me own gp distraught when they opened, she has a feel of my tummy and felt in side my back passage, she could find nothing untoward with either, but due to severe health anxiety, i do get myself into a terrible state, over even simple matters, so she knew what aniety this was causing me, on wed has no bowel movement at all, thurs i was due to see gp again, had a small bm in the morning, normal colour but with blood and mucus, the same on thursday. , my gp gave me a steriod foam and gave me the option of waiting and see what happens or did i want to be refered to the hospital, i choose a the hosp referal, i cant bear .sitting and wondering and worrying myself sick, my gp said she was not too concerned by any of it, she thought i may have some local inflammation in the bowel.
I woke up today had a bm, which was small, slightly constipated but no blood, just a little mucus, then again in the morning same again, but this evening, having colicky pain, went from small movement with just a tiny bit of blood and mucus,to normal soft movement, no blood or mucus and then.... diarrhoea, with just a spot of mucus/blood, all in the space of 5 mins, now i have been back in over the last hour, having more diarrhoea, but no blood.........before all this happened, i have not notice anything untoward, no pain, no sickness, no weightloss, nothing, the only thin i thought at first might have been a connection was that 9 days previously i had stopped taking mefenemic acid for period probs, and i had been taking them every day for a least 2 weeks, a known side effect is Gi irritation etc, but usually in the upper Gi tract, i suppose im just clutching at straws....
I know this is a long story, and i cant begin to tell you how worrying/disraught i am, i have been in such a state on quite a few occasions this week, i almost crashed my car, have phoned nhs 24 cpn, begging for help, and taking diazepam, to try and get me through this.
I cant help but think that this is the begining of the end, my life is over, i am crying as i type this, i have so much to give, i dont want it to be all taken away from me , i dont know how im going to cope through this, i need as much help as i can get.

Thank you all in advance for reading this, and if anyone has had a similar experience who can help please get in touch

P x:weep:

12-12-09, 23:22
Hey, you said you had tummy pains before this started? Well last summer something similar happened to me, it started off with tummy pains, then I was having really bad diarrohea and then it was coming out with blood and mucus...turns out it was food poisoning! the doc took a stool sample and it was from meat which hadn't been cooked properly. it sounds to me like your symptoms are very similar to what I had. just a suggestion but i'm sure whatever it is it is nothing serious.. i know that probably doesn't help as I would be the same as you but i'm sure if your doctor thought it was anything to worry about they would be taking action immediately.

hope you're ok :hugs: xxxx

13-12-09, 11:57
Hun you won't die... Your life won't be over!! I know your very distressed at the moment but let me reassure you, if your doctor thought something was terribly wrong, you would have been rushed to hospital..

I have had various problems with my bowel movements due to anxiety... Ranging from constipation, to diorhea, to mucous, to blood.... Im assuming the blood was caused by my own fault, as I have a phobia o public diorhea so I over use anti diorhea medication which caused me to be constipated and developed hemmorhoids...

Could it be hemmorhoids? Probably not, your doctor would have noticed when you were examined... Im SURE it isnt anything terrible hun... Im sure of it.

If you ever want to talk or just let it all out, feel free to PM me...

Take care, hope things are improving... xx

13-12-09, 21:45
Thanks you so much Kirst24 and baby rachel, for taking the time to read and reply, you are both so kind, i have had a terrible day, i have had panics all day, cried all day, and have taken diazepam to try to help me through it, but didnt really help that much to be honest. My sister came to vist me , and tried to make me see thngs in another way, i dare say lots of people get blood and mucus in their stools, for innocent reasons, i just pray that i am one of those, if i get through this i promise to try my very best not to panic and worry about small things whenever i can, and i really will try.
thanx again for your replies... P x :hugs:

13-12-09, 21:50
My Mum and brother have IBS and both especially my bro lose lots and lots of blood.. My husband also passes lots of blood and not even phased by it and he's healthy so try not to worry x

13-12-09, 21:53
Thank you so much panickypants , if you were here i would hug you, you have no idea the stress this has caused me xxx :hugs:

13-12-09, 22:00
I can understand totally my HA is completely different to yoursa mine is my heart but i know the worry HA causes but really we are all fine hugs to you x x

13-12-09, 22:04
Dear P I am so sorry that you have been suffering in silence. I suffer from IBS too but have not had these experiences. I do suffer from cramping and explosive diahorrea. It must be horrible to be suffering alone. That out of hours doctor needs to be reported. How dare he? when do you have to go to the hospital? I would stick to a diet that isn't going to cause any further attacks ie fairly bland. I always find peppermint tea calms my bowels and me down. If you think it is the ponstan causing the problem then I would stop that for a while. I have taken it in the past so I know what a useful drug it is. Maybe you could take it for a shorter period of time perhaps a few days before your period? That never worked for me because I never knew when my period was going to arrive. Always consult your GP first though. Take care. A special big hug to you.

13-12-09, 22:32
Thnx again pp xx

jane, thank you for your reply too, , i will get some peppermint tea tommorow to try, i dont know when my appointment is yet, i might have a date by tommorow, but who knows how far away it will be, i have stopped the ponstan, i had finished it a week or so before this happened, so it possible it had something to do with it, but i may never know, i just hope it stops and goes away and stays away...
as far as that out of hours doctors said, really couldnt believe it, in fact im sure my husband would have thought i had made a mistake had he not been sitting next to me...
i will keep you all posted , big hugs back to you all....:hugs: :hugs: xx

14-12-09, 07:11
Another important thing to remember is that bright red blood comes from lower down in the bowel - if it was in the early part of the colon or stomach the blood would come out dark, almost black.

Bright red blood can be a sign of a small tear (particularly if you had a bit of constipation which could have exaserbated it). And I agree with an earlier post - it could also be a rotovirus infection (nothing sinister, very common) or as simple as you coming off those meds-or IBS - if you would like peace of mind go get it tested, they will confirm something innocuous and you will be able to stop stressing. But I can assure you that thousands of people get these symptoms every day. They are not dying and they don't have dread diseases. And neither are you! There are 100 reasons you could be having these symptoms and 99 of them are completely unsinister. So the odds are in your favour.

Facing our health fears is critical. Otherwise they snowball and become debilitating. One of the things that has really helped me to stop obsessing is lying in a comfortable place (usually just before I go to sleep but they suggest you do this more often during the day if you can) and just recite a "meditation piece". Mine is as follows:

My body and all it's organs were created by the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind.
It knows how to heal me.
It's wisdom created every muscle, organ, tissue and bone.
Right now this infinite healing presence is transforming every cell of my being, making me perfect, and healthy and whole.
I am grateful for this healing which I know is taking place within me now.

Say this over and over a few times - really believe what you are saying. You can even stop and say this when you are panicking like at the moment.

Another tip - if it is at all useful- I stopped drinking caffeinated coffee. It has totally changed my anxiety and health anxiety levels. Not to say that I don't get my worries, but nothing like I used to. I have stopped imagining cancer at every turn as a result of both these practices.

Please don't stress. You will are going to be fine.

14-12-09, 10:09
Leigh, thank you so much for your reply, i am trying to keep all the positive stuff in my head, and repeating it over and over, and the meditation that you describe seems very soothng, it is certainly something that i will give a go.

I woke up this morning at 4.30am, and it seemed all my good work of postive thinking etc, can disappeared, literally the moment i opened my eyes, i had terrible butterflies in my stomach, and to go into overdrive with the positive self talk, managed to go back to bed, and stay there until 6am, i am up and about now, and trying to get the positive stuff going , although the butterflies are still there. been to the toilet, a bit constipated after diarrhoea eposide on saturday night, but just a little mucus, but no blood, so trying to keep my mind in the here and now.
Thank you all again for your replies and advice, i truely mean that, anxiety takes you to a terrible place, i dont want a return ticket.

hugs to you all.:hugs: P x

14-12-09, 13:19
Hi Polly,
i know how hard it has been for you and i am so grateful for the feedback that you have received from other members. Please take this positively and you will get through this i know you will. It sounds as though whatever was going on is clearing up and you will be better before you know it. Take care speak soon. Your wee sis eily xxxxxxxxx & lots of hugs:hugs:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-08-11, 17:54
Hi Pollyann how are you now, I got food poisoning 2 weeks ago and I too am getting bloody mucussy poos, scared the living daylights out of me and went to walk in centre this morning as it was quite bad, they say I have to wait for culture results on wed as they take a week.
How scarey is bloody poo.
I only go once a day as I am too scared to go again, they all tell me to drink more and eat more fruit etc Y :)