View Full Version : Brain Tumour worries

12-12-09, 22:02
Hey, do you think i have got a brain tumour? my symptoms are my eyes just feeling so strange and they really hurt i almost can't look at comp screen, i have also had headaches and pains around my eyes. i'm so scared i feel like crying. any ideas?

Please reply
Love Louise

12-12-09, 22:21
Nope not a brain tumour.

Sounds like maybe migraine or stress headaches

If it continues see doc though

13-12-09, 18:49
Hi nope not what you think, i to get this, i get bad sinuses eye pain bad vision, headaches, when this first came on i to was convinced i had a brain tumour.
So try not to worry (EASY SAID THAN DONE I KNOW)
Hope you feel better soon.

14-12-09, 01:44
Sitting at a computer for even only a half hour straight can really give me eye strain and headaches. Also if you don't notice, lots of times people sit awkwardly and have bad posture while doing things on computers...can contribute to headaches as well.

Are you under a lot of stress? Do you wear glasses, or feel like you are squinting? Anyways, I hope you are feeling better.

14-12-09, 06:25
When last did you get your eyes checked? Sounds like eye strain to me. And computers are notoriously bad for inducing headaches and focal issues. Don't worry - I have days when I get really sore eyes from intense computer work.

The workplace guidelines are actually that you are supposed to take a break from your computer every 20 minutes. Sadly most of us don't do this.

Also - make sure you hydrate! Too little water is a major culprit for headaches and vision disturbances.

Don't worry - it doesn't sound in the least bit sinister!