View Full Version : How long does a rash take to go away?

13-12-09, 00:25
I posted about it just over two weeks ago. Basically it's a red rash on my arm at it's worst it was all red and bleeding but it's improved but some days it's flared up more red. I had been putting savlon cream on it.

So should I see a doctor? Just it's still a little bit red though nothing like as bad..(stopped putting cream on it as it looked better)?
Any ideas? :unsure:

16-12-09, 02:38
Hmm two weeks.. I would see a doc.. Its some kind of allergy or ..skin disorder..nothing serious.. keep putting the cream on it and see a doc.. at least let them check it out.. Im sure its nothing really but .. well. I do understand your not wanting to go to the doc..I had my feet like this and also had it over and over on the tops of my feet.It looked really bad.I saw a nurse that is like a doctor and showed her ..and she just said hmmm thats bad.. Can you believe thats all she said? Anyway ..I get those rashes on my feet and they can last for months.. I just put antibodic cream or hydrocortizone on it and it usually gets better..Im no doc.. but if you are still worried check it out.. Good luck Michael

16-12-09, 03:46
Hi, A few months ago I started to notice a rash. It slowly got worse over a week. ( I was then covered in welts that were itchy ). I realized it was berries I was having in my smoothie everyday. I try to be healthy and look what happens. Id say I had that rash for close to 3 weeks. It was very slow for it to go away. Have you changed your diet in anyway or used anything new???? Take care. :)

16-12-09, 13:22
Hmm two weeks.. I would see a doc.. Its some kind of allergy or ..skin disorder..nothing serious.. keep putting the cream on it and see a doc.. at least let them check it out.. Im sure its nothing really but .. well. I do understand your not wanting to go to the doc..I had my feet like this and also had it over and over on the tops of my feet.It looked really bad.I saw a nurse that is like a doctor and showed her ..and she just said hmmm thats bad.. Can you believe thats all she said? Anyway ..I get those rashes on my feet and they can last for months.. I just put antibodic cream or hydrocortizone on it and it usually gets better..Im no doc.. but if you are still worried check it out.. Good luck Michael

Thanks it's started to clear up again so I will see how it goes if not see a doctor next week.

16-12-09, 19:48
Hi Phil

Glad to hear the rash is getting better but I wouldn't advise putting Savlon on it, that can be a bit of an irritant.
You don't say whether or not it was itchy (should have checked your previous post!:doh:) but I wonder if it is a touch of eczema.
You could ask your pharmacist for advice and maybe buy some mild hydrocortisone cream, 1% Hydrocortisone is available over the counter and is good at reducing inflammation.

22-12-09, 15:22
Hi Phil

Glad to hear the rash is getting better but I wouldn't advise putting Savlon on it, that can be a bit of an irritant.
You don't say whether or not it was itchy (should have checked your previous post!:doh:) but I wonder if it is a touch of eczema.
You could ask your pharmacist for advice and maybe buy some mild hydrocortisone cream, 1% Hydrocortisone is available over the counter and is good at reducing inflammation.

Been to the doctors and got a lotion and cream. You were correct it was a touch of of eczema. My arm has a rash and my elbow has dried up skin and it's also red. Hopefully it will do the trick.

30-12-09, 00:02
I'm a bit worried about all this skin stuff

I have been using this cream and it's helped but flared back up again is it normal with eczema. Plus my mum and dad were saying you can get Asthma which makes me panic more if it causes that anybody know?

I also have a sore thumb which has been sore for weeks..I keep getting racing thoughts saying it's broken or dislocated or something? It's sore at the nail after taking a knock on the xbox controller? will it be ok and ease up?

I'm really getting held back by health anxiety..feel like I'm broken and stuff wrong with me..how do other people cope? How do i know If I''m not bust already or does panic just make it seem that way?

Like my mind has also had me worried if say something wasn't anxiety and I dismissed it as anxiety and I was not well? ahhh it's horrible all this..:blush:

30-12-09, 00:26
hi, your rash, if its eczema, can come and go, stress and anxiety can make lots of skin conditions worse. you dont say what cream your putting on, you might need a slightly different one, did you go to your gp with it? they can prescribe lots of different creams. (or show your chemist, they can be really helpfull)
as for your thumb, if you can move it or use it at all, its probably not broken, theres usually a lot of swelling with broken fingers etc. have broken 3 of my fingers over the years, and they always ended up at least twice the size they started at, and a lovely purple/black colour! as a result my finger pops out really easily, and this results in the joint being twice the size for a few days! show it to the gp or chemist while your their about the cream!
hope you feel better soon!

30-12-09, 00:37
hi, your rash, if its eczema, can come and go, stress and anxiety can make lots of skin conditions worse. you dont say what cream your putting on, you might need a slightly different one, did you go to your gp with it? they can prescribe lots of different creams. (or show your chemist, they can be really helpfull)
as for your thumb, if you can move it or use it at all, its probably not broken, theres usually a lot of swelling with broken fingers etc. have broken 3 of my fingers over the years, and they always ended up at least twice the size they started at, and a lovely purple/black colour! as a result my finger pops out really easily, and this results in the joint being twice the size for a few days! show it to the gp or chemist while your their about the cream!
hope you feel better soon!


The cream is canesten or something and it comes with a moisturiser. I'm not sure my thumb is broken but feels strained..In gave the xbox a break but it's eased..sometimes it's fine then it has a pain. I gave it a right knock with the controller but I'm not sure. There's nothing black or blue about it.

I'm a bit worked up as it is with this eczema thing..not very nice and it burns. Duno how the heck it came and it's made me worry more about possible health anxieties. :shrug:

30-12-09, 10:58
I wouldn't use Canasten - that's for thrush!

It does sound like eczema, especially if it's been bleeding - or contact dematitis.

There is a correalation between asthma and eczema - but having one DOES NOT mean you'll get the other. My son is asthmatic and has never had eczema, for example.

I agree with LadyBird - pop along to the pharmacist and show him/her the rash. They'll have a really good idea of what it is, and be able to advise you :)

30-12-09, 12:34
I wouldn't use Canasten - that's for thrush!

It does sound like eczema, especially if it's been bleeding - or contact dematitis.

There is a correalation between asthma and eczema - but having one DOES NOT mean you'll get the other. My son is asthmatic and has never had eczema, for example.

I agree with LadyBird - pop along to the pharmacist and show him/her the rash. They'll have a really good idea of what it is, and be able to advise you :)

Thanks when I googled it online it seems you are right about it being for thrush.

Well the doctor gave me that :shrug:so will it not help?

30-12-09, 14:28
Just to point out that Canesten isn't only used for thrush!:winks:

It is also used for any type of sweat rash, this sounds nasty but is just a mild fungal irritation caused by the skin rubbing together, it often occurs behind the knees, folds of skin etc.

As far as I'm aware it isn't usually prescribed for eczema but I could be wrong, reoccuring rashes are not at all uncommon and are not dangerous at all although they are a real nuisance!
Both mild eczema and sweat rash come under this category and Im afraid you might have to get used to them coming and going.

I still think it would be worthwhile seeing your pharmacist and maybe getting the hydrocortisone as it is a good anti-inflammatory.

One last thing to add..if it is eczema, then you will be prone to dry skin. A lot of people buy E45 moisturiser which is a basic cream with no perfume or additives, however it is too expensive for my liking.
You can buy a big tub of Aqueous Cream from your chemist or even the pharmacy of the big supermarkets and it will cost you under £3..same thing, no "designer" label!

Good luck :flowers:

21-01-10, 17:33
I've been reading the little symptoms of a reaction with the leaflet. It says breathing problems and dizziness and weakness/nausea.

Now I have had the dizzy, weakness, sick feleing for a few weeks on and off...I get it with anxiety also so could it be the cream?? :wacko: