View Full Version : Is this a panic attack or something else?

13-12-09, 03:33
I've not posted on here for a while but had a very very scary experience tonight.

I went to bed around 10pm feeling a little out of sorts. I couldn't sleep, and gradually became more aware of my heart pounding and speeding up. All of a sudden out of nowhere, it began to race around 150bpm, I started sweating, felt really odd and had an urge to get out of bed and go downstairs, felt very frightened as if I had to get away, yet I was too scared to get out of bed in case I collapsed. Eventually managed to get downstairs and told my husband. I felt very lightheaded and my heart was racing away and then I became cold and clammy. This lasted for about 20 minutes. I calmed down a bit and went back to bed. Then had a feeling that I needed the toilet (sorry!) and had to go. Calmed down a bit, then about an hour later, the whole thing started again, though not as long this time or as severe. Toilet again. Then once more about half an hour later. I seem to be calming down now, some four hours later, although my heart is still pounding away.

I've had a chinese takeaway tonight and also had Nachos at the cinema today (so lots of MSG). I've also been a little bit anxious about some hair loss discovered last week, which as a woman of 36 with long dark hair has caused me much upset.

I have a cold too at the moment which isn't helping. Does this sound like a panic attack or something else? Any tips to come out of it?

agent orange
13-12-09, 09:18
It sounds very similiar to something I had a few weeks ago, but I could not breathe properly (hyperventilating). But yes it does sound like a panic attack, I had all those symptoms too. Try to breathe properly and try to distract if it happens again, i know it's easier than said, especially in the night time. If you are unsure you can always talk with the doctor. I think panic attacks can differ slightly from one person to another, but in essence they are the same.

13-12-09, 11:46
Sounds exactly like a panic attack. The symptoms can change for people, but i've had all of the symptoms you've had, especially the dreaded toilet one. Im so sorry it happened to you :(

13-12-09, 12:06
Yup, that's a panic attack alright! Might i add, MSG is a big no, no for people like us so maybe avoid the chinese!

I spent months without sleep going through what you described, but thankfully by doing some techniques recommended to me, i no longer have the attacks! GAD hangs around but i'm used to that!
You are never in any harm whatsoever during a panic attack so accept the feelings you have and remind yourself that it will pass and you are safe :)