View Full Version : Anxiety Attack While Driving

13-12-09, 11:22
Just wondered if anyone had any tips for what to do if they have an anxiety attack while driving.

About four weeks ago I was on propranolol and I thought I was having a side effect from it (couldn't breath properly - I used to suffer from asthma but not any more).

This happen while I was on the M25, in the dark, when it was raining heavily, and in bad traffic. :ohmy:

I was on my way to visit a friend in London and didn't know how I would get help if things got worse. After several minutes, I rang my friend in a mild panic asking for directions to the nearest hospital. I kept trying to reassure myself, this is just anxiety, there is nothing wrong with you, but the mind wasn't listening.

Needless to say, when I got to hospital, I felt better. They did say I had muscloskeletal chest pain, which I've had on and off for several months. I took some pain killers and felt better, but the whole experience was very scary. I went back to my doctor the next week and my medication was changed to citalopram, but basically I had to take the week of work because I was too nervous about driving and felt so down from the new medication.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

13-12-09, 11:38
Its hard when driving because you feel so much pressure on you to feel okay!!
I get anxious in the car too and there were some good tips in the 'panic attacks' link on the left side of the page. They spoke about distracting yourself by counting number plates, seeing which one had th highest amount of numbers, counting coloured cars, that sort of thing to distract yourself.

Turning up some music and singing along is good too. Remember to keep using abdominal breathing during the whole time your driving, it will keep you at a normal state...

Thats all I can really offer I suppose. Hope it helps!! :) take care.

13-12-09, 12:08
aarggghhh.. I HATE DRIVING!!!

Most of my attacks start in the car... I have an oldish van so when driving, I feel a lot closer to the road then these modern cars.

I know its a safety behavior and I shouldn't do this but I always keep polo's and rescue remedy(spray) in the ash tray. Oh and relaxing music. I just bought Muse's new album and its very relaxing.

Motorways are more extreme than other roads (I always freak out on the M25) but I if I start panicking I separate all my feelings and emotions and challenge them individually instead of letting them overwhelm me.

13-12-09, 17:21
I was just about to post a new thread asking if anyone else had panic attacks whilst driving and then I saw this one. I always seem to get them whilst driving in the dark and when in heavy traffic/traffic jams. I just want to escape but can't, I usually just about make it home but how I don't know as I'm hyperventilating and so dizzy by the end of my journey!
I've not found anything that helps yet, I've tried pretty much everything I've been told but I still get them, I'm fast becoming terrified of driving which is a problem as my work is an hours drive from home!

jude uk
14-12-09, 00:50
I think its good to remember that if you did have an attack you can pull over for a moment and just try and relax. There is also the fact that you are not really alone because there are other drivers around who whould come to your aid. Some feel motorways are the worst but the fact is you get there quicker and it helps me not to look at how many miles I have to go on my journey, even though I drive twice 100 miles each week(200 in total)

If we can learn one thing its to learn that a panic is not geographical. Panic attacks can and will happen anywhere, so we can learn that they are not connected to any place.

I have a panic most times I think of the journey but I am finding the more I do it the better it becomes.

One other thing I can suggest is try relaxing at home to a certain type of music.Keep listening to this and use it when in the car, it should bring the relaxing feelings back to your mind