View Full Version : Just at a loss right now!

13-12-09, 15:06
Hi everyone,

I am quite new to this site and have already found it such a comfort.

Sorry for a long post but have to get this written out.

Recently whilst watching a movie and (seemingly!) out of the blue I suffered a panic attack and ended up in an Ambulance thinking what looks to be what alot of people think, that I was having a heart attack. The paramedics where exellent and calmed me down a bit and I went home. All that night and the following couple of weeks I had reoccuring panic attacks. My Dr has signed me off work for 6 weeks (which finishes next week) and at points I have felt like I was losing it. I already feel I have lost the 'normal' me and now I need to rebuild myself from the ground up, thoughts are overwhelming me and any small task can be blown out of proportion.

The panic attacks have (thankfully) subsided a little but have been replaced by an anxiety for my health that I have never had. I know from reading through these posts that I am not alone in this but sometimes I feel like at any point I am just going to collapse. Every small twinge or change in my body and my anxiety ratches up to such a level that I can hardly speak to anyone. I withdraw into my shell and obsessivly check and recheck my symptoms. Last week I thought I was making progress until I felt a tightness in my chest whilst out shopping and that was it, home/upstairs/quiettime/watching/waiting/analysing/risingpanic/ then a trip to A + E! I was attached to the heart monitor and BP was high. More panic. The Dr had a word with me and said my readouts where fine, he was understanding and asked if I would go for a walk and come back. Like magic the tightness was gone! I went home and thought I would be ok.

My partner has suffered the most from all of this, the other night she booked us into a hotel (anxiety increase knowing I was spending a night away from my self made 'sanctury' of my bed) and we decided to go for a nice meal before hand. All was going well, was a little tense but ok, then I felt my left hand and for some reason it was colder than my right. This was about to spark off a major panic when I suddenly just broke down crying, it had all got way too much for me. Luckily we where sat away from everyone else, my partner just held my hand and I cried and cried. For a 26year old male who thought he was ok with life it was a shock. I felt so stupid and small for breaking down but at the same time I knew something had to give.

After about 30mins of crying I composed myself but still felt that out of control feeling like I was on the edge of losing for hours afterward. We went to the hotel and I slept ok but my heart made what felt like a whoosing feeling, almost like my chest was 'falling down' thats the only way I can describe it. It terrified me and after breaking down earlier in the evening, I was all out of coping mechanisms that I literally laid there shaking, my partner was wonderful and calmed me down again, I have no idea what it was?? I didn't get much more sleep that night

That was three days ago and still I am on edge with everything,

is there any hope to getting over this constant anxiety??? I am really at a loss and feel burnt out and sometimes just lost if you know what I mean?

Really sorry for the long post! just had to get it off my chest!
Thanks so much for reading

13-12-09, 15:13
Have you talked to your GP about the problems you've been having? It's probably the best first port of call to see what they suggest.

That aside, you're certainly not alone here - Although I haven't experienced the extremes you have, I'm currently in a constant state of anxiety about my health and how I'm feeling, and at the moment I can't seem to find a way out of the multitude of horrible feelings it makes me suffer from.

13-12-09, 15:20
Hi Ikari,

My GP has sent me for CBT which I start next week and has referred me to a cardiologist who I see in the new year. Another reason to be anxious I guess! but I am thankful that I have the chance to go and get some help. Just don't know what the whooshing feeling in my chest was and it scares me to think what it may be?!?!

I hope you can find a way to ease your symptoms. There must be a way??


14-12-09, 09:55
I could of written your post Jim. That was me about 2 years ago.

It does get better, but I still have bad days or weeks thrown in with weeks on end with no symptoms at all when I feel my old self.

Mine came to a head after spending another day at home, not sure if I was going to live or die. I had no idea what was happening to me. I had my mind racing thinking everything was too hard. Things I had done before so easily like going to the shop became torture. My partner came home and I started crying. I had never done this before. She took me straight to the doctors and after weeks and weeks of appointments. I was booked in for some CBT, which did help. I have had every heart test and Ct scans of my brain, all of which came back clear.

I found gaining knowledge from this site to be very helpfull. I also read Dr Claire Weekes books.

I try and not let symptoms worry me like they did before. I keep doing what I am doing and they dont get out of control like before.

Its long road back but your not alone.

14-12-09, 10:15

My symptoms of health anxiety are different to yours but they all lead to the overwhelming feeling that just suddenly hits you.

I too have recently had a couple of episodes where all I could do was cry and luckily like yourself my wife was excellent. I'm only 30 and have never been like this before.

I'm waiting for my CBT appointment but have been referred.

I was given a great website for CBT but not sure if I'm allowed to post here as I'm just new. Am I?

I'm sorry I have no advice but maybe there is a comfort knowing it's not just you.

14-12-09, 10:24
Hi Jim,

That could of been a post from me too!! Two trips in an ambulance, heart monitors, high BP.
Yes there is hope over the constant anxiety and you seem to have a very understanding doctor, which helps!
My first episode was very, very frightening. I can now say that I have episodes, but nothing like what I had in the beginning and very few and far between. I will normally have an episode when I have stressful times, so I try and not get stressed!
I have just started reading Dr Claire Weekes book, and finding it interesting and helpful. The big thing I have found is actually accepting how anxiety can make you feel so many different feelings/pains/panic/doom/etc.
The feeling on edge is so tiresome, just remember you are not on your own!

14-12-09, 21:38
Hi Jim,

I have a very similar story to yours, practically identical really.

Countless of trips to A&E, heart monitors, ecg's, echocardiograms... the lot. And all have come back normal. But still my anxiety exists.
There have been times when I've broken down like yourself, and just didn't know what to do. I'm only 21 and feel like the old bubbly me has been taken away and I'm left trying to start again.

My boyfriend, although understading, I can tell he's getting fed up with the whole thing. I'm glad you have your partner to turn to, I can't imagine dealing with this alone.

Basically Jim, I know how you feel. This anxiety and panic thing is fairly new to me and I'm just trying to get on with it one day at a time.

I've had CBT which to be honest did nothing for me. I think I may have built my hopes up a bit high regarding it, but after 7 sessions I see no improvements, but thats not to say it wouldn't work for you.

You're not alone Jim, and I hope we all find a way out of this mess they call panic/anxiety.

14-12-09, 22:39
Wow, thanks so much for those posts, it has seriously picked me up loads knowing I am not going through this on my own. I am feeling much better today and going through some of the old posts on this site I realize that even though I am having what I would class as a bad time some people in here have had and still have worse. Just wish there was a set path to follow to sort this out if you know what I mean? Noatter what it was I would do it just to feel like I used too, feel like before I took feeling
normal for granted. There must be a way for us to deal with this even if it is different for each one of us. Who knows but I am believing in that right now! Anything to stay positive, thanks again for the understanding posts,

take care