View Full Version : Zophiclone (Zavarone) Sleeping Tablets

13-12-09, 16:13
Ive been taken them for a week and a few times i seem to get an angry feeling inside which i didnt have before i took them anyone else got anything similar who has taken them?

13-12-09, 16:21
i have been on these tablets nearly 18 months and dont get that feeling..i would suggest you speak to your gp as your body may not like these tablets..there are other sleeping tablets like tamazepan, they might work for you...best wishes and hope you get some good advice on here..sam

13-12-09, 16:39
18 months i was told maximum 3 weeks may not be tablets how come they kept you on them that long

13-12-09, 17:32
I've been on zopiclone for a year because I suffer from chronic insomnia. My GP isn't happy about it (and nor am I) but it's better than not sleeping at all. I wouldn't recommend staying on them if you can help it though because they're a bugger to get off.

I sometimes get angry for no reason but never thought it may be the zopiclone ... you've got me thinking now ...

13-12-09, 17:33
yeah ive never known them cause anger, rather just a knock out effect, dont take them too long though theyre well addictive.


13-12-09, 19:09
ive been on them for insomnia due to pain and pts after a motorbike accident, im on 7.5 mg trazadone and morphine and i still cant sleep.i wish i didnt have to take them but i wouldnt even get a hour if i didnt..get about 3hours if im lucky each night..

19-03-10, 22:14
i have been on zopiclone for 8 years,AND THE TIME HAS COME WERE THEY ARE EFFECTING MY LIFE ,i want kids but how can i with that crap in my body,im v addicted,and masks my true self,please any sucsess stories ,or coping to come off them,

19-03-10, 23:15
You need to come off these very slowly to avoid bad discontinuation syndrome ..There are threads on Zopiclone at the bottom of this page ..You will find a lot of information there and further advice ..Good luck ..:yesyes:Sue x