View Full Version : Numb Left Hand

19-11-05, 23:44
I know there are a few posts about this but has anyone ever found a reason or explanation for it.

I am waking a lot early in the morning with my left hand completely numb and sometimes pins and needles. I clench it and comes back to life then it happens again 10 minutes later.

I am not sleeping on it cos I sleep on my right hand side and it evens happens when I sleep on my back.

Could I have a trapped nerve somewhere?

This week I have not been so well and I am also experiencing my hand going into spasms so the fingers extend or cramp up and I think this may be stress but I have had it going numb in bed for many months so that is something else.

I sat watching a DVD tonight and it was feeling weak so I kept gripping things to see that I could and I did that ok but it feels kind of strange.

I haven't found a good explanation for it yet so should I see doctor?

Is it dangerous that the blood supply may be cut off?


20-11-05, 00:30
Hey there-

You know... I get the same thing. I spoke to my doctor about it... the first thing he asked was if I am on the computer a lot... and I said yes... apparently, slight carpul tunnel syndrom sometimes kicks in at odd times... im not sure if you know about CTS, but it is pretty much harmless. Also, it could just be that while you are sleeping, for whatever reason, the blood isnt cirulating as well as it usually does... which is not big deal... b/c it goes back to normal after moving it.

I also know that a feeling of weak hands is CLASSIC anxiety. I am always making my husband feel my grip to make sure its not too weak.

20-11-05, 01:13
Hi Nic,

I used to get it a bit in my left arm but not so much the hand. Very occassional mild stuff but not like you describe as a total numbness of the hand.

I had numbness in the left side of my face.

Did you mention it to the GP?

Likely that it is anxiety related though given history and that it is a known anxiety symptom.

Trev x

20-11-05, 06:35
It sounds to me like it may be carpul tunel syndrome too to me too.

I got it when I was pregnant and so I can understand just how painful and irritating it can be. You could ask your DR to refer you to a speciallist for physio.

Hope you are feeling better soon:D

Take Care



20-11-05, 09:21
Hi Nic

It could be carpal tunnel syndrome or it could be repetitive strain injury if you use your PC a lot.
Maybe worth asking your GP, or as Trev says classic anxiety.
Hope this post finds you feeling better.
You have had a lot to deal with this week which hasn't helped you in the slightest, so hope you manage to chill out today.

Take care

Elaine x

20-11-05, 10:34
Hi Nic, I guess a lot of it is stress, you will spend so long tensed up too.
I know when I had carpel tunnell my hand used to freeze into positions and be unable to move, I once was putting the phone down and it was stuck in my hand.
If the blood supply was cut off it would be blue and cold.
If you remember a few weeks ago I had that funny pain in my shoulder which numbed my hand and luckily it went as quick as it came, hope yours does too mate, catch you later.

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

20-11-05, 11:32
Can't answer this directly but do remember at school if we had all been laughing too much I could never hold my pen properly and my hand was too weak to write (excitement is an emotion not disimilar to anxiety in some of its manifestations).

I also get a numb arm and pins and needles in my sleep quite often but this is definately cos I have fallen asleep on the offending arm. It is horrible and I end up swinging the limp arm around in the dark like a monkey waiting for it to get back to normal.

The other thing I have at the mo is problems with my wrist, which since I fell down the stairs 6 months ago has played me up, which the doc thinks could be a damaged tendon and if it continues to play up he will investigate further as the x-ray didn't show any damage.

Did you tell the doctor about this when you were there on Fri. You havent got a bad neck or shoulder have you, as I did have a friend once who did and this produced similiar symptoms to you.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-11-05, 11:39
i have had the same thing for 3 weeks now iam trying not to let it bother me though. i had a bad neck just before it started so iam wondering if that has anything to do with it . mazzxxx

everybody has to hurt sometime........

20-11-05, 12:27
Hi there
Our necks are quite often the culprit when it comes to pins and needles in fingers and hands, have you tried changing your pillow,it may be the way you are lying at night that is the problem.. do you also have backache?
It could be the already mentioned CTS but that tends to focus more on wrist and you have a strange sensation of your thumb being drawn into palm of hand, this is due to ? compression of the ulna nerve it can also go up arm to elbow, RSI is also another possible explanaition. It does not sound like it is anything serious that you should worry about (easier said than done i know as im an expert at worrying) Hope this helps

I just want my life back

20-11-05, 12:37
Thanks for all the comments I appreciate it.

I didn't mention it to the doctor cos I felt like a hypochondriac as it was with the list of problems I have[}:)]:(

I don't know if I have neck or back problems - never really looked into that so I could get a massage or something for that.

I think my pilllows are ok because I recently bought new ones and we have a new bed as well so it is supporting my back ok.

It is just one of those niggling problems that I wish would go away and hopefully it will. It keeps waking me up so I hope it goes away soon.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


20-11-05, 16:21
Hey Nic, I can massage , perhaps we could have a massage session in the hotel? Is it your drinking arm? Hope its a bit better now, catch you soon,xxxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

20-11-05, 16:36
did it start after you got your new bed or pillows, and just a suggestion but why dont you try a chiropractor, they will let you know if anything is out in your neck, as it sometimes isnt obvious but you have referred pain

I just want my life back

20-11-05, 19:25
Nell - umm good question and I can't honestly remember. I will have to see if it happens in the other bed that I sleep in as well lol.

Alexis - sounds good to me. No it is ok it is not my drinking arm so are still on for a Stella lol


20-11-05, 21:36

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

20-11-05, 22:40

I jst remembered to day. We have a supplier who has had a numb hand for several months. (Easy, we don't want to go down the "Carry On" route again!!) He told me the quacks had said it was down to a trapped nerve in his neck/shoulder.

Don't know whay I didn't remeber it last night. (Might have had something to do with the booze! :D)

Hope you are feeling better.

Trev x

20-11-05, 22:42
Sorry, looks like I've got numb hands with that typing!!!

20-11-05, 22:46
Trev - thanks - I may look into that then cos a few people have suggested that.


26-04-09, 16:01
hi hun
dont worry about going to the docs with a list!
i always do it, i go with about 10 things wrong with me!
but at the end of the day its their job, u have anx dont be ashamed of it it doesnt make u who or wat u are it just is anx. i dont care wat my doc thinks of me if i have to ask him summat then i go right ahead and do it!
take care hun

26-04-09, 21:31
I also get a numb hand, had it last night in bed before I went to sleep! Sometimes I wake up and my arms and legs are numb which is an awful feeling. My doc has said I have something called Rayneuds disease which is just to do with circultation so hands get really cold and go white for about ten mins so I am thinking something to do with that. However since started with numbness/pins and needles my doc has said is def to do with anxiety. HAd mri done and loads of blood tests and all normal so now have to start believeing him!!!

Do you get a numb hand at any other time or is it just when in bed? Have u experienced numbness anywhere else in your body?

sarah jayne
23-05-10, 11:13
This has been happening to me recently, i keep waking up and my left hand is completely numb then i move my arm and it comes back to life. Im wondering what the hell is going on, Ive 3 slipped disks in my neck, could it be that ? But then if it was that surely it would be there all the time...

23-05-10, 16:11
Yes yes and yes, had exactly the same thing, google trapped ulnar nerve. Been having the same feelings, you never know if ur sleeping on your arms cos u move about loads, mine stayed for a few weeks and stress mAkes it worse but I still wake up with it sometimes now. Occasionly it effects my right arm too but nit nearly as much

Does not sound like anything at all to worry about at all, but it won't go away straight away!

Take care

23-05-10, 16:32
my right hand keeps tingling a little im thinking it could be carpel tunnel because i do spend too much time sat at the computer...should i go to the doctor about this?

23-05-10, 18:17
my right hand keeps tingling a little im thinking it could be carpel tunnel because i do spend too much time sat at the computer...should i go to the doctor about this?

Your quiet right, the doctor mAy well be able to help u improve this feeling, a websie I read advised to wrap a small towel round my arm to stop mr bending it when sleeping, this may help, ask ur doctor! Maybe look at one of them supports which goes under ur wrist for keybords, bear in mind it is a strain or problem that builds up over time so there is mo instant fix, u will not feel better immediatley but over time it'll get better and better!

23-05-10, 20:51
I had this couple years ago when I was told I had a neck problem.. When I had physio for the neck the numbness/timgling in my hand cleared up.

24-05-10, 00:54
Hi...I also had a neck problem and after pyhsio,my left hand stopped tingling and the numbness eased:D

24-05-10, 12:05
thanks for the replies :) I will go to the doctor and see what he says...I bet he is tired of seeing me lately lol

24-05-10, 13:27
thanks for the replies :) I will go to the doctor and see what he says...I bet he is tired of seeing me lately lol

Does a mechanic get tired of having the same persons car in for repair? Short answer, I doubt it!