View Full Version : Can't bring myself to take meds.

13-12-09, 21:31
I feel a bit of a fraud posting in the HA section as I don't really suffer with it but thought maybe someone would have some advice for me.

I have quite a few health conditions requiring meds, one of which is high blood pressure. I am a terrible patient in that if I feel ok I don't bother/forget to take the medication, yet I have no problems taking my asthma meds...I guess it's because if I don't take them I can't breathe and therefore can't function.

I have now got to the stage where I just can't face taking my meds for BP, literally. When I do take them, I feel like crap, spacey, lightheaded and generally awful. All I have to do is look at the tablets now and I start to feel ill.

I know my doctor wanted to increase my dose before when I was taking them so I can't discuss it with him..they are all pill happy at my surgery anyway. Trouble is, I think my BP may be too high, I'm getting all the symptoms of it, ongoing headache, blurred vision , breathlessness (not asthma) and even I am a bit worried..and I never worry about my health at all, the opposite is true.

Any tips, ideas on what to do? Please don't have a go at me about it, I already have family members giving me grief! :winks:

14-12-09, 07:41
i really feel for you. i went through a stage where i point blank refused to take any madication because i was terrified but you nned these tabs. Blood pressure needs treating sooner rather than later. Can you have someone with you when you take them. When i had to take blood pressure pills after refusing to take them and ending up in hospital i took mine at night when someone would be with me. At first i did feel ill on them but i now think it was my anxiety making think they were making me ill. Your doc may even allow you to sit in his waiting room and take them or sit outside a ane e whilst you take them if that makes you feel safer. Plaese try to take them as i can tell you a blue flashing light trip to the hospital was more terrifiying than the tabs. By the way i dont even have to take them any more


14-12-09, 11:53
Hi Denise

Thanks for your reply. I guess mine is a bit of a strange situation becuase it's not that I'm afraid to take them, there is a very illogical part of me that says that I don't really need them and it's a doctors conspiracy.
I know it sounds daft but I think everyone here on NMP knows how illogical our thoughts are sometimes, I can't help it.
I just have a deep seated mistrust of any doctors due to an A and E experience many years ago so I avoid them like the plague whenever possible. It's probably also the reason that I don't trust their judgement when it comes to my health.
However, I know you are right and I do need to take them, I just hate even acknowledging the fact.
Going to go and take them now (reluctantly:winks:)

14-12-09, 12:05

Since it's bp meds then I would take them, but I know where you are coming from. My husband never goes to the doctor unless he REALLY has to. He feels they just hand out pills and then keep you on them for years, without any follow up!! High blood pressure can be a dangerous thing though, so I wouldn't stop taking the meds. It's great that you know about it because sometimes it can be a silent killer for some people. Yes, some experiences with the medical profession can put you off doctors for life - I totally agree. They make mistakes as well. I'd try and forget that horrible experience and think about yourself and keep your bp on an even keel.

14-12-09, 17:53
I can be terrible when it comes to taking meds. I get a bit defiant at times even though I know deep down that I need to take them.

BP can be controlled so effectively these days that I'm sure you won't let it get out of hand. I'm sure you'll be a good ladybird and take your meds!

14-12-09, 18:19
im hopeless too with meds, even vitamins...i hate taking any of it...i get anxiety attacks just after i down one...

even tho the reason is different..how about cutting the tablet in half? is that possible or is it a capsule?

i always cut them in half and take a little at a time through the day. this is the only way i can do it. mind you they gave me capsules recently, so i open them and put them in juice and sip...but they taste so so awful!!! its only vitamins, but its just horrible!!!!!

14-12-09, 18:30
i hope you got an alright taking them and try to keep telling yourself i need to take these to prevent further problems