View Full Version : can anxiety nausea last all day

13-12-09, 21:52
sorry it me again

can anxiety nausea last all day
i barely been able to eat

13-12-09, 22:04
Yes for deffo mine lasted weeks... I lost a stone in 4 weeks due to anxiety i couldn't eat and felt sick all the time x x

13-12-09, 22:12
all day for me as i got to go for indgestion blood test am worried they going to find the big c

14-12-09, 01:34
Yes mine lasted for days and sometimes weeks. In April I went 2 weeks straight hardly eating...lost 10 pounds..ugh.

14-12-09, 06:20
Yes. Absolutely. To the point where I of course imagined I had stomach cancer.

Then one little Xanax from the doc and it went away in an hour!

And the more you stress the worse it will get. Rescue Remedy also helps and the doc said you can have as much as you want.