View Full Version : Keep Needing To Pee!

13-12-09, 23:12
I always need to pee, i cant remember why this is, does anyone have an idea?

Please help me anyone.

Its horrible.

I need to go every .. 10 mins or so.

:( im worried

14-12-09, 01:59
Do you drink a lot of fluids during the day?

I swear I go pee so much during the day. Sometimes its 15 minutes apart sometimes.

14-12-09, 06:19
Okay - firstly, no need to be worried. This is very common and is most llikely as the result of cystitis (urinary tract infection). This can be caused by such things as : a lot of sex (often called "honeymoon cystitis), certain bath products, simple bacterial infection.

As a first port of call go to the chemist for some Citrosoda or equivalent over-the-counter remedy (this alkalises the urine and provides an environment that the bacteria find it hard to live in). Also, cranberry juice is fantastic for this.

If it gets progressively worse a course of antibiotics will clear it up no probs.

Don't worry. This is minor.


14-12-09, 06:28
hmm if it is a UTI take cranberry! it's proven to stop the bacteria sticking to your insides so helps flush them out. you can get cranberry powder you mix with water or cranberry tablets in the chemist.
when I get a UTI it can sting when I pee and I feel the need to pee when I don't need to go.
but I drink lots of water , and I do need to go every 2 hours but more so when I'm anxious.

14-12-09, 09:08
UTI... I have one right now.... get them every month or so... theyre SOOOO bloody painful and annoying!!

like everybody said cranberry, theres things at the chemist and if it desnt go away antibiotics will do the trick.

best of luck!

sarah jayne
14-12-09, 11:28
Ive been like that ever since i had my children, i have to go lots in the night, its annoying..x

14-12-09, 12:06
Hi Ruby
It can also be to do with anxiety that is causing it
Also your doctor can do a water sample and test it.
Hope it clears up soon
If I am very anxious I keep running of to the loo.

Regards Joan

14-12-09, 12:13
I'm the same, i'm in the loo all the time, but don't worry about it. I think thats the only thing i DON'T worry about:blush:

14-12-09, 12:16
It also could be just your age!

14-12-09, 14:12

It either a) a physical problem (ie cystitis) or b) a psychological problem. If it's physical, which I hope it is, it can be easily sorted out, just visit your doctor. However, I have a similar prob which is purely psychological. I had to spend a couple of days 'bladder retraining'- only allowing myself to go to the toilet at a permitted time, to break to habit of going too often. It worked :)

Hope it sorts out.

14-12-09, 14:26
Hello :)

I knew a lady who had the exact same thing, she had lots of tests and everything was fine and it turned out to be anxiety.

when your anxious and your body goes into the fight/flight response, it will prepare itself and this includes emptying your bladder, this was explained to me in CBT.

If you are feeling extremely anxious at the moment this could well be the course but i advise you go to your doctor anyway for peac of mind and so that anything else can be ruled out.

Are you in pain at all?

14-12-09, 19:24
anxiety can cause this, whenever i get anxious i am always needing a wee, my kids get it too, dont worry. hugs xx

14-12-09, 21:51
I was the first member to comment on this message by Ruby, and I wondered where it has disappeared to? Can messages just disappear into thin air or has it been deleted?? Lucy.

14-12-09, 22:35
I wrote "could you have a Urinary Infection" and it disappeared into thin air, how odd indeed.

14-12-09, 22:44
Lucy i had two posts and Nic deleted one, im sorry i forgot to say ive been busy with christmas shopping. I didnt delete it personally hope i didnt cause any upset or anger.

14-12-09, 22:44
Thankyou everyone for replying i'll go back to the docs its getting better now :) thankyou.

14-12-09, 22:49
I didn't delete it - just closed it - it is still there lol.

14-12-09, 22:54
Ruby said you deleted one as I sent 2, but I didn't I sent just the 1 so you must have deleted it? Not important, just found it strange that it had gone when I went to see this thread again.

14-12-09, 22:57
If its still there, why can't I see it then? Yes the thread is still here, but my post was deleted and no one told me why.

14-12-09, 23:05
THe other post is here:


14-12-09, 23:05
Your post was not deleted

14-12-09, 23:31
Yet I cannot read it as it says that I do not have enough privileges?

14-12-09, 23:45
66098 is this one? nothing else can be seen?

14-12-09, 23:56
Ok so I see there were 2 posts the same posted within half an hour of the first one, but my reply does not appear in either. I find it a bit irritating that posts get taken away like that, why was it not copied over? why delete my reply? I have seen posts complaining that they never get a reply when they are desperate, on the other hand, when someone replies in the early hours of the morning, her post gets omitted, it makes no sense. Ruby I hope your shopping trip went well and you got through it without having to run to the toilet numerous times.

15-12-09, 00:03
:mad:Lucy i dont understand.

Have i done something wrong.

15-12-09, 00:05
No i got that the wrong way im sorry lucy.
Tired and a little pxssed off.

15-12-09, 16:46

The post is here:


I forgot that when I close a post it moves it out of the main forum. Sorry about that.

15-12-09, 22:52
Ah I see it at last, so my mind was not playing tricks on me. Thank you for returning it.