View Full Version : Massive chest pain, so so worried please help.

13-12-09, 23:14
Today I had the sort of chest pain I have dreaded for the last 5 years, since my health anxiety got really bad.

Im 28, male, 6'5, 12 stone

I was driving after a fairly heavy meal. I suddenly had this humongous pain in my lower chest like I was thudded with a battering ram. It was right in the centre between chest and stomach, I would class as lower chest rather than upper stomach, but it's right between them.

It lasted probably 2 seconds max but I nearly passed out from the pain, and my heart was pounding after it for a bit (anxiety response?). I went on to have a normal evening, no more recurrence of the pain.

When I say nearly passed out I mean it, the pain was so bad. This is not something I would normally chalk down to 'anxiety'. It was deep rooted and 'real'.

I've had all the heart tests saying repeatedly that my heart is fine.

But I'm scared, because this has happened a few times now, not as bad as this time and not always but mainly after meals.

What the hell is happening, please someone diagnose me. I've been to the doctor with this in the past and they've brushed it off and stuck me on stomach meds for acid reflux.

This is not heartburn. It feels far more muscular than that. But not muscular. Some very deep rooted intense pain, but very fleeting.

Hernia? Pinched nerve? Blood clot? Mini heart attack?

Please put my mind at rest because I'm struggling to cope.

14-12-09, 02:14
Today I had the sort of chest pain I have dreaded for the last 5 years, since my health anxiety got really bad.

Im 28, male, 6'5, 12 stone

I was driving after a fairly heavy meal. I suddenly had this humongous pain in my lower chest like I was thudded with a battering ram. It was right in the centre between chest and stomach, I would class as lower chest rather than upper stomach, but it's right between them.

It lasted probably 2 seconds max but I nearly passed out from the pain, and my heart was pounding after it for a bit (anxiety response?). I went on to have a normal evening, no more recurrence of the pain.

When I say nearly passed out I mean it, the pain was so bad. This is not something I would normally chalk down to 'anxiety'. It was deep rooted and 'real'.

I've had all the heart tests saying repeatedly that my heart is fine.

But I'm scared, because this has happened a few times now, not as bad as this time and not always but mainly after meals.

What the hell is happening, please someone diagnose me. I've been to the doctor with this in the past and they've brushed it off and stuck me on stomach meds for acid reflux.

This is not heartburn. It feels far more muscular than that. But not muscular. Some very deep rooted intense pain, but very fleeting.

Hernia? Pinched nerve? Blood clot? Mini heart attack?

Please put my mind at rest because I'm struggling to cope.Hi. I have a severe heart attack phobia. I have had it for nearly 20 years now so I can really relate to what you are going thru. You are young and are not overweight. 12 stones = approx. 168 lbs. I was finally DX'ed with panic disorder at age 28 nearly 23 years ago and put on benzodiazepines. Now, the benzos have stopped working due to tolerance and I am having to relive and revisit this hell all over again. Has this only occurred twice or do you have these episodes more frequently? Do you exercise and if yes, does it occur during exertion?


14-12-09, 04:26
This sounds like gastric to me,my mother has had terrible stomach problems all her life and got some horrific pain in that area I can tell you,however I really do think that because it freaked you out so much,I would pop along to the doctor and tell him/her how severe it was.It doesn't matter that you have had all the heart tests known to man,it should be investigated AGAIN,to put your mind at rest.If you don't suss it out it will be on your mind and possibly cause you further distress waiting for it to happen again and we all know where anxiety like that can lead,so bite the bullet and make an appointment.I do think it is digestion related though after you said it happens after meals but the gp will have an idea from your symptoms,good luck and try not to worry.

14-12-09, 08:29
Sounds more like a digestion issue, try eating smaller meals for a few days to see if the same still happens, if not, then you know it is down to this. Its upto you if you want to see your GP again regarding this issue though, or can you put it to the back of your mind whilst you try a different approach.

14-12-09, 08:36
it sounds like having a large meal then sitting in your car ,you had a bad attack of indigestion may i suggest after large meal walk a bit even if its around garden gives your tum time to digest your food as it can lie heavy in you stomach ,one thing if you were having heart attack the pain would not have gone away in min ,,i was a nurse

14-12-09, 10:28
Hi. I have a severe heart attack phobia. I have had it for nearly 20 years now so I can really relate to what you are going thru. You are young and are not overweight. 12 stones = approx. 168 lbs. I was finally DX'ed with panic disorder at age 28 nearly 23 years ago and put on benzodiazepines. Now, the benzos have stopped working due to tolerance and I am having to relive and revisit this hell all over again. Has this only occurred twice or do you have these episodes more frequently? Do you exercise and if yes, does it occur during exertion?


I do exercise and no it does not occur on exertion.

This feels like a stomach thing to me, but very high up.

But, my thought process works like this:

if it's not a heart attack, it's a blood clot or signs of cancer.

Update: I've not had another episode. This morning I've just had a big breakfast and I'm feeling very mild discomfort in the same area, but no pain like last night (yet).

14-12-09, 10:53
Sounds very similar to what I went through. My GP told me it was indigestion and Acid Reflux caused by my anxiety. Don't quote me but something about your stomach contracting when you're tense causing it. They put me on Lansoprazole for the acid and with slight changes to my eating habits like eating slower and not snacking after meals or late at night brought this under control for me.