View Full Version : Another Newbie

14-12-09, 08:19
Hi All from another newbie.

Stumbled across this website when looking for a forum for people who had taken Antenolol and Im so glad I found it.

I have been suffering from anxiety since June this year whilst on holiday and the attacks started out of the blue with no build up. Happy in my personal and work life so dont know where it stems from.

Was prescribed 25mg of Antenolol to take "as and when" which seemed to do the trick, and then went 6 weeks without an attack until I went away on holiday again and it all came back. My subconcious doesnt seem to like holidays for some reason. I then went up to 50mg but eventually they didnt seem to do anything. Just been prescribed Proponolol (prob spelt wrong) 40 mg x 3 a day, but Im only taking two as they make me feel dizzy and sick. Not sure what is worse, the sickness or the anxiety. I just want to feel like there is an end in sight. People who have known me a long time always say I'm life and soul of the party, but now I feel like I am in a prison. Not looking forward to Xmas at all...........

14-12-09, 08:21
Hi 80schickx

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-12-09, 08:24
Thanks Diane
I hope you're right!

14-12-09, 10:30
welcome 80s chick if you were once the life and soul of the party once at least you know you can be again it may just be a bumpy ride along the way but its worth it :hugs: