View Full Version : Eventful Saturday! AGGHHH

14-12-09, 10:52
Hey all

Well what a day I had Saturday, I finally drove myself insane enough about the pleurisy that I ended up at A & E on Saturday morning, anxiety has been through the roof! :ohmy:

Anyway, I had every test going, blood clots, oxygen levels, x ray, all came back normal.

Whilst I was in my heart was going a bit dotty, I was scared sh!tless to say the least of something being wrong, so I am sure that my anxiety was was causing my heart rate to go mad.

The Doctor who saw me told me that I need to see my GP first thing today about my heart rate.

My heart was going from about 80 - 120/130 bpm. And just kept going up and down. I did have that anxiety feeling in the pit of my stomach, so was worrying, no doubt that something was wrong.
I had an ECG, and he did not say anything about that, just the heart rate issue.

I am waiting a call back from my Doctor, see what she says.

This has put me back and I am now panicking about my heart, something I did a couple of years ago but managed to get through.

Can anyone relate?


14-12-09, 11:25
Oh yeah, I know all about that.

About two months ago I was in Germany on a business trip, and became short of breath after about 15 minutes of walking.

I was treated in an ambulance; blood pressure 180/100!, heart rate 140. Was put on a drip and oxygen and taken to hospital where they did a chest X-ray, blood tests and ECG. Nothing abnormal was found, but the doctor did say I could have an inflammation around the lungs.

Futher tests in the UK have found nothing, so my doctor says it's stress.

I guess if you've had all the tests as well, that rules out anything major, so the logical explaination must be that you are suffering from stress/anxiety as well?

But I do know what you are going through, and hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

14-12-09, 11:34
Hey Emira

Well, I can't relate exactly but I can try and be the calm voice of reason. :winks:
You had all the tests at the hospital so you know that there is nothing wrong with your heart, if there was any doubt they would have admitted you.
Now, about the raised heart rate..belive it or not, anything in the range that you have described is not actually that high at all and is more than likely caused by your level of anxiety.
I'm not sure if you told the hospital that you suffer from HA but even if you didn't, they probably put two and two together, which is why they advise you to go to your GP.
If the health worries are playing you up again, you need to go to the GP hun. Stress can cause all sorts of horrible real symptoms as you know, but although they are horrible, they are not necessarily harmful.
I hope all goes well with the doctor, in the meantime try and keep yourself as calm as you can, (I know, I know :D)
