View Full Version : burning pain in thigh - stress /anxiety symptom?

14-12-09, 11:05
does anyone get nagging burning pains in certain parts of their body that come and go ? ive had a reocurring pain in the front of my left thigh which comes and goes - ive had for years and have just learned to live with it, i was told by gp when first got it - it was caused by stress, but deep down ive always worried it may be something more sinister, some underlying symptom of something more serious
i am quite anxious/stressy at the moment and it seems to have returned with a vengeance along with night heart palps and pins needles / numbness down my left side
have had bloods done and an ecg, all ok there - doctor has prescribed anti depressants which im reluctant to take as ttc, he didnt seem overly concernend about the thigh pain, but im thinking about getting a second opinion as we're trying for a baby and after 2 recent losses i want to try and get all my health issues resolved
would love to hear if anyone gets this type of pain .. the only other thing that i can think it might be is nerve damage, as i used to work in a call center and always rested my elbow on this area of my thigh, perhaps i have caused some sort of trauma to the area? i do recall a large bruise with 2 small lumps underneath appearing with no explanation around the time the pain started, but my gp just said it was stress

14-12-09, 20:51
I get a burning sensation in my scalp, my hands.... face!
I don't know what it is but a lot people with anxiety seem to get that burning sensation.

15-12-09, 17:02
I get the burning sensation on my left thigh, it also feels numb to the touch, this usually happens when I am stood for a while, especially when ironing. Mine is definitely due to nerve damage since dislocating my left knee and the muscles got torn. I do also get a burning sensation on my right cheek (face lol), this comes and goes quite regularly. I have no idea what causes this, and I am too old to blush!!

20-09-11, 22:40
Hello. I am having this problem in my right thigh. When im in bed, laid flat, i start getting the searing/burning pain and numbness.....not pleasant at all! Not had a good nights sleep for about a month. I put my back out a couple of months ago so i think it is probably down to that but good old anxiety kicks in and won't leave you be. Keeps swirling around your head.