View Full Version : Bone cancer?

20-11-05, 13:21
Above my ear I felt the line of raised up skull I have on both sides, but the one on the right hurts to touch. I was hoping that might just be the skin but then I felt something else that also hurts at the bottom of the bit of skull around the right ear and now I tghink I've got bone cancer. Happily, I WON'T be going to the doctor having pestered her about 5 times in the last fortnight so instead I'm gonna sit and die slowly.I ****ing fed up with living like this.

20-11-05, 14:23

I doubt very much that you have bone cancer. Our skulls are all different, and not exactly the same on both sides.

If you think logically, the reason one side is painful, is more than likely because you have been poking and prodding it, making it tender.

When we suffer from health anxiety we do tend to look for things, which 9 times out of 10 either arent there, or have always been there and are perfectly normal, but we just havent noticed them before.

The best thing to do is to stop looking for symptoms, then you wont have things to worry about.

Thinking positively really helps, not saying you are going to sit there and die, because belive me that is the last thing that is going to happen to you hun.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

20-11-05, 14:59
Hi boy,

Your post reminded me that a few months ago I had a similar thing. It was at the base of the skull behind my right ear - tender and there was also a sort of lump, which to my mind at the time was cause for concern.

However, it must have been just one of those things, as I had completely forgotten about it, it's not there now and I clearly didn't die!

Relax and try to distract yourself by doing something interesting. You'll be fine I bet!

20-11-05, 15:03
It hurt when I first felt it tho, I didn't feel it and feel it til it hurt, tho i've felt it loads and made it worse. I guess I'm going to have to just sit it out and hope it goes away, as going to the doctor would just potentially get me worried over nothing if he goes "slight lump you say? hurts to touch, you say? 6 month NHS hell trip time!"

20-11-05, 15:37

I can assure you, if you stop thinking about it, then it will go away.

Do you have anything else that you can focus on hun, a hobby or such like.

If you can find something then it really helps to stop you worrying about your health anxiety.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

20-11-05, 15:46
I can assure you that what you are experiencing is not bone cancer which presents in a totally different way.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-11-05, 16:17

Can i fully reassure you that you DO NOT hav bone cancer.

Someone very close to me had bone cancer and the symptoms are totally different from what you are experiencing.

Hunny x

20-11-05, 16:49
Hi Boy
relax, you dont have bone cancer, it does not present this way, please try and get yourself out of the worry, symptom, worry cycle, try and concentrate on other things to take your mind of your "bone cancer" and by that i dont mean find another symptom to concentrate on and worry about, think about x mas instead

I just want my life back

20-11-05, 17:32
Hi boy, you have a lot of glands in your neck and around your ears, and the tubes which go from your ears to mouth etc. I often get lumps around my ears or on my neck which are just inflamed glands or blocked tubes. Its nothing to worry about and will go away on its own. Bone cancer doesnt usually start in the skull anyway, it usually starts in the bone marrow, and you dont have that in your skull!

try not to worry about it, its nothing

20-11-05, 18:08
Hi, just wanted you to know I understand EXACTLY where you are coming from - since last week I have been thinking I have a tumour somewhere in my mouth (no coincidence that mouth cancer was in the headlines last Tues) - now the whole side of my head is throbbing and I am fighting the panic that I am going to die any minute. I hate being like this! Am too scared to go to doctor or dentist.
But I know that you are OK!!!!