View Full Version : Fear of Dying

14-12-09, 13:43
I have a massive fear of dying. Its the main worry in my health anxiety. The thing is at the moment the fear feels so real like its about to happen at any moment.
Does anyone else feel like its just around the corner and is it common to feel like this? I think I could be having a premonition!

14-12-09, 13:57
Hi Paul,

This is a very common thought for people who suffer with anxiety and panic attacks. Had these thought very intensely until I started on prozac & psychotherapy. I still have these thoughts but not as commonly as I used to.

I think the key to overcoming this is researching anxiety and realising just how many physical symptoms it can produce - I know first hand that it is hard to accept but knowledge is power.

hope this helps, feel free to PM me if you wanna chat

14-12-09, 13:57
I don't feel like this myself, but know people who do- it's not uncommon. Would you say that you fear dying in the sense that you are scared of what will happen once you're dead, or is it more that you're worried you'll die before your time? I'm sorry you're feeling this way.

14-12-09, 14:09

I get like this, I have a fear of becoming acutely ill, and just dropping dead. And leaving my kids and husband etc.....

The superstition premonition side of it is also a common sign of the anxiety/panic thing, I discovered this when I bought a book on health anxiety.

Just a note to let you know I sympathise and understand :-)

sarah jayne
14-12-09, 14:10
I feel exactly the same, theres not a day goes by when i dont worry about dying. It doesnt help that i always seem to be ill. Im 28 and have 2 children, my main fear is of dying and leaving my children without a mother. I wish i could stop feeling like this. Im sorry i cant give you any advice, i just want you to know that your not on your own. pm me any time if you ever want a chat.
Sarah x

14-12-09, 14:12
Yeah I have been feeling like this now for six months and i have to keep telling myself that I am still here, still kicking although these feelings arent nice. My anxiety has seemed to have gotten worse though the winter months so getting these thouts more frequently.

14-12-09, 14:32
I had this fear as well, when suffering from panic attacks ten years ago. I was convinced I wouldn't last 10 years - well I'm still here!

14-12-09, 14:48
i think everyones scared of dieing i know i am but i try to see it as exilerating not scarey i try and sees every oppurtunity and do all the things i want to but i dont suffer from anxiety i dont think i no i am a self harming stress head but i want someone to talk to when im upset help???

Star 52
15-12-09, 00:33
I've just joined this tonight as I've got to the point where I never get through one day without being scared of dying. I agree totally with the lady who said her major fear was of leaving her children and loved ones. I think this is what worries me most. My Mum was killed when I was pregnant with my first child 19 years ago, and since then I have had so many illnesses and have struggled to keep going and be positive for my childrens sake really. In November I collapsed and haven't been back to work since as I can't stop feeling dizzy and really weak. I've been in hospital twice in the month and they say there is nothing physical wrong, but they think I'm suffering from severe exhaustion and health anxiety. I'm so scared as up to now I've managed to block out my mum's accident and keep going but every day I think I'm going to die and leave my kids like she did. When I was in accident and emergency last week, i thought I was dying and felt so lonely and separated from the real world. I have major feelings of guilt. Does anyone have any advice? It would be much appreciated.

15-12-09, 02:23
My sister died in front of me. I already had a fear of dying since I was kid. That only worsened it. Sometimes I am afraid to go to sleep thinking I will never wake up. That started after my aunt died in her sleep for no reason when I was a teenager.

I feel guilty for having anxiety about my health when my sister struggled for years with real illness.

15-12-09, 09:27
Since my uncle died in his sleep 15yr ago i feel exactly the same. My days are spend obsessing over chest pain ive had for 10wks now which send me into a complete panic. Every night im spending hours checking whether the pain is heart pain or anxiety. Every morning i wake up im suprised to be here but feel euphoric until the pains start again, usually before im even out of bed.
Ive been like this for 15yrs on and off but this is the longest period where its been so intense. Im going back for CBT which is helpful but i think i will always be like this.

15-12-09, 10:37
ive had a fear of dying for around 20 yrs now after what i believe to be a near death experience, i was so shocked at how easy it is to just die and this has affected me to the point where i will always try to avoid certain death like not take medication ect, i did have some councelling but it never went away completely, so you are not alone with your thoughts Paul as right this minute (and for the last 6 weeks) i think im going to die, i cant sleep most nights, and it dosent help that ive been ill with a chest virus that just will not clear up.
hope you feel good soon
love and light