View Full Version : What Painkillers can I take with Cipramil?

14-12-09, 13:50
Hi everyone

I'm currently on 30mg Cipramil (daily), with the odd 2.5 Diazepam as and when I need it (say, about 5 times a month maximum). At the moment, I'm finding my jaw is clenching and this is causing me tooth pain and really bad migraines (complete with the naseau).

I'm off to the Dr's next week to see what I can do about the jaw clenching (I do stop it when I realise what I'm doing, but I don't always realise).

I wanted to ask, what painkillers can I take for the migraine/tooth pain, that won't clash with the Cipramil and Diazepam? For example, I usually take either normal Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, but I'm very careful what I take these days as I once came very close to dying due to medication (overdose) and I certainly want to live this time! :) It's just made me very wary of what I put into my body (hope this doesn't put anyone off answering, just trying to give some background as to why I'm asking what some people may think a non-important question).

Thanks very much.

14-12-09, 14:26

Give your local pharmacy a call and they will be able to tell you what is best to take.

Hope you feel better soon

14-12-09, 14:27
I regularly take paracetomol and ibuprofen with citalopram (30mg 1/p/day) and its never caused me any problems, citalopram is quite good for not interacting with other drugs, you'll be fine with your basic over the counter pain killers but anything heavier like opiate based ones(tramadol, co-codemol) its always best to ask a pharmacist, they have a big book on drug interactions.

hope this helps


14-12-09, 15:45
Citalopram and ibuprofen is not a good idea because of the slight risk of bleeding. It will say on the patient leaflet to avoid NSAIDs like ibuprofen, aspirin, diclofenac etc.

Paracetamol is your best bet or Tylex if you need something stronger.