View Full Version : Anixety in the Winter

14-12-09, 14:15
I have something i would like to share with other people on here. Basically i have had anxiety for the last six months with all the depressing thoughts and phyiscal symptoms that come with it. But i just wondered that does the condition get worse during the cold winter months when the days are shorter because mine did really come to a head when the clocks went back at the end of October.

14-12-09, 14:30
hi i believe it does affect us ,, as we need sunnydays it gives us happy feeling but winter can be depressing your not alone love

14-12-09, 15:15
yes winter months always takes its toll on me,,i start working myself into a state october november time and doesnt ease till april may,,just the long dark nights that get to me

14-12-09, 15:39
Yes, im struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment, it only started in mid November and always has started in the winter months.

14-12-09, 20:01
Could be tied in with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? When I've had anxiety problems in the past, it always tends to be at this time of year.

14-12-09, 20:10
I suffer from depression mostly during the winter months. I don't mind the cold daylight hours, I enjoy walking as it helps to clear my mind and forget all my problems with anxiety and stress. During the early dark evenings, I'm not able to go walking around my local country park. So it's a case of being stuck indoors for long hours.

15-12-09, 16:27
I definitely seem to have worse problems in the winter. I've been depressed/anxious in winter for about the past 10 years (I'm 21 now). I find Christmas a really depressing time because I'm stuck indoors in the dark. I also find really oppressive days of full cloud cover difficult to deal with because I feel trapped.

About a month ago, mid November, I went from feeling anxious but coping to being totally unable to cope, seemingly overnight. Suddenly I couldn't think straight and just couldn't stop crying, even in public, when I never normally cry. I think the darkness had something to do with it. On a clear, sunny day, even in winter, I feel better.

15-12-09, 16:45
The Winter months are always worse for me, my doctor agrees to me increasing my antidepressants for the Winter months, which seems to help. I just feel as though I want to hibernate from October till April.

15-12-09, 18:26
I always hate the cold and dark as the daylight becomes shorter. The trick of it all is to to get up reasonably early before it gets light. That way you can make the most of the daylight hours. A short walk outside also helps. Wrap up warm if it is very cold like today. If you can, keep yourself and your home warm. Try to look foward. I have planted some bulbs at work in a very scrappy piece of land between our two buildings. That way I get to look at them everyday and they are coming up now so that makes me feel better. Music helps anything upbeat in the car and when I'm getting dressed in the morning. Planning to go on holiday when the weather gets warmer also helps me.

15-12-09, 19:08
Yes its the same for me, even worse this year. I used to have it bad years ago and used to put bright lights on a timer ready for when I may wake up... I coped that way, and also with a couple of strong yellow bulbs for extra lighting. I have managed the last few years without any. but as this summer was the best I have had for years, its seems to have paid me back in this funny way again. So I am waiting anyday for a special light to be delivered to my home whick I buy over the net for S:A:D special light I am going to try this week and as much as needed the rest of this winter I beleive it will do the trick for me... I am from UK but now live in norther Europe so its even darker here earlier and less sun and spring starts a bit later, many have the problem over here, but at the same time most people light many candles and drink hot tea etc all night..... All the best and its nice to see this post....
((((HUGS)))) :bighug1: