View Full Version : got my self in a flap again!!!

14-12-09, 15:02
Hi I really am stuck on what to do!? I have major anxiety and panic attacks that comes in waves, some wks im fine and others it gets too much. Past few days I've had alot of anxiety attacks and keep thinking something is seriously wrong with me. I have been goin to a chiropractor for 6 weeks now and everything has been fine....back pain totally gone and I feel more postive when I come away but now Ive come across something on the net that says theres a risk with getting your neck cracked and it causing a stroke and Ive now got myself really worked up! Im due to go there tonight and Im in a right state and think what if I have a stroke after being adjusted. I know the chances are slim but I just cant help myself feeling like this :weep:

14-12-09, 15:16
Chiropractors are very careful when manipulating areas like your neck. I've had major problems with my neck after an injury and seeing my osteopath has saved my life.

Registered chiropractors are very experienced and careful. You've had treatment for 6 weeks, so I'm sure you'd know if something was wrong by now.

Avoid Dr Google - scare stories like that are very rare.

14-12-09, 15:20
Thank you for the reply....I know the chances are slim but I just cant stop the panic about it, wish I could!I sometimes get a headache when I leave and my right arm goes weak so that is going to make me worry even more!

14-12-09, 15:26
Have a chat with your chiropractor about it. They'll be able to put your mind at rest, otherwise it'll play on your mind constantly. I really think it's good for you to speak up about it. There's nothing shameful about having anxiety - whatever it may be!