View Full Version : Air-conditioning & Hyperventilation

14-12-09, 15:19
Do people find that working in an air-conditioned office environment exacerbated their hyperventilation symptoms?

15-12-09, 16:29
I find that being in an office environment, ie. a room full of computers, makes me more likely to suffer anxiety and panic symptoms. It particularly aggravates my acid reflux but also makes me breathe faster and shallower. The air conditioning could be a factor. I did put it down to feeling trapped but I find that going outside and getting fresh air temporarily relieves the feeling.

16-12-09, 03:32
yep freaks me out.Even at home.. different temp changes cold or hot .. pressure changes.. its because we are all hyper sensitive. We used to not even notice things like that but now every change in our bodies feelings are really sensitive and you notice.. Hope you feel better try not to worry and think about it.> Michael

07-01-10, 21:39
I was fine when I was off work for Christmas but now that I'm back my hyperventilation is off the scale. Can my employer turn off the Air Con in my office?