View Full Version : Ill back in July, sets off my panic attacks now... anyone else?

14-12-09, 15:55
I had a terrible experience back in July. I know i'm whining but it's setting off my panic attacks now!

I had chinese food one Saturday night back in the summer and subsequently was ill for around 4/5 weeks. I lost a stone in one week and another half stone after i actually started to eat again. It was awful. I only chucked up once but i constantly ran to the toilet many times a day for weeks, dealt with a fever, nausea and was even signed off my work for 2 of those weeks.

I had bloods done, clear (only showed body fighting off infection - everything else was fine), stools taken (nothing detected in them). Doctor said i had Viral Gastroenteritis...

I never really got an answer as to what was wrong with me..doctor kinda shrugged it off, told me to have a break and chill and eventually i would get better. I did get better after weeks (Viral Gastroenteritis is only meant to last a max of 2). I have hardly eaten out since (and when i do i'm OCD with forks, knives etc)

Just that now, i was so terrified by my experience and so scared of it happening again every time i eat something i get it into my head that it will make me ill. I often go into panics about this and it kicks off all the feelings, feeling sick, breating, guts, bad toilet movements(!), sweating, derealization etc.

I've had an acheing gut for the past 3 days, (it woke me up on Saturday night 4:30am) and i have only bare minimum bland foods since.

I'm forced to eat out with work as it's the Christmas season and in some of the scabbiest resturants, i'm TERRIFIED!

It's silly i know but i can't rationalise. Does it sound like i had salmonella back in July?

Ontop of that, i am TERRIFIED of becoming ill in any way what-so-ever. I'm terrified about female cancers and any twinge down there (apart from period pain) sets the HA ball rolling. Are we meant to feel stuff going on down there!!!??


14-12-09, 16:16
I really feel for you, but as woman we have all kinds of different pains down in that region.
I get terrible pains around the time of ovulation, and lots of little niggles etc all the time, as most women probably do.
We focus on any sort of pain because as H.A sufferers thats what we do, so things that most women would ignore become huge problems for us.
I to worry about cancer all the time, and have banned myself from google because i seemed to spend most of my time on there looking up symptoms scaring the life out of myself.
:bighug1:Love louise xxx

14-12-09, 18:10
In May/June this year I had glandular fever and it really knocked me out for about 3 weeks. I thought I had recovered from it, and then in October this year I had a big panic attack and had to be taken to hospital. Since then I've been anxious ever since, and some days too afraid to get out of bed.

My councillor said that stress reduces the immune system, so it's possible you've been stressed for sometime and not noticed it until you've had the attacks.

14-12-09, 19:03
Aww *hugs* thats no good :-( I had a similar thing when i ate curry a few months ago, i didn't throw up but my guts are so painful since, and i just feel sick constantly. I got tested with a bio-electric acupuncture machine and they found bact-coli and toxoplasmose ( in mild form) on my gut which was irritating everything else, plus stress makes it worse. I think after you have something like that even if its small it can hang around and cause trouble in minute form.
Its all really scary, i find that if i have tonnes of ginger tea it helps food go down better even if you are panicking after eating it, and of course go for the food that is best for you too :hugs:
