View Full Version : Chronic joint pain

14-12-09, 16:24
I am 20 years old but for literally YEARS now I have ongoing joint pain. From the age of about 12 my knees always used to hurt if I bent them for more than an hour that was so painful i literally had to straighten them. I was told it was growing pains, and although the pain still occurs, it is not as bad. I have been getting shoulder joint pain since I was about 16. It began in one shoulder but now both shoulders hurt. It's like an ache that just becomes intolerable and i resolve it by having to circle them and during this it clicks and then stops aching temporarily. Now I am having the same problem with my hip joints. It aches until I kick my leg high in the air, it clicks and the pain temporarily goes away. It also happens from time to time in my wrists and ankles; they ache painfully and I click them to resolve it. They generally hurt just when it's cold though. I have been numerous times to the doctors. I have had extensive blood tests done which have ruled out arthritis. I have had physiotherapists assess my shoulders and knees and can't find anything wrong with them aside from my knees being slightly out of line. I don't know what more to do, they basically tell me I just have to accept it. But I want to know what the problem is because it seems to be only getting worse, with more and more joints going the same way as the years progess.

14-12-09, 18:19
Well, looking on the bright side, it's good that you've had any serious diseases ruled out, but I know how frustrating it is to be told that you have nothing wrong with you when your body is saying otherwise.

Once serious conditions are ruled out most doctors are at a loss, and I was told that I have a "pain syndrome" that could be "fibromyalgia". Some doctors don't even believe in fibromyalgia because there are no pathological tests (like blood tests) that can diagnose it.

You should be sent to a pain clinic where you can try pain medication and other therapies perhaps. Speak to your doctor about this, because I know how chronic pain can wear you down.

Feel free to PM me anytime.