View Full Version : fatty lump

14-12-09, 16:26
i have a fatty lump on my back which is tender to the touch, my doctor has told me its not serious but i can have it removed if i wish. over the last few days it has developed an opening so i squeezed out the pus (gross i know). i noticed the pus had a terrible smell which is what im worried about. any advice would be grateful


15-12-09, 18:41
That's normal. I had a cyst which when it eventually came to a head was really smelly!! Must just be because it's been cooking in there so long!

16-12-09, 03:30
Its a sebatious cyst.. I have one in the center of my chest ,had it for many years.I hate it..I put on seat belt and it burst a little and stinks also other times maybe laying on my side or something . But if your doc says no worries don't worry..if it drains it might even go away on its on.. Take care.. Michael