View Full Version : How would you describe your dizziness?

14-12-09, 19:09
I was just wondering how different people interpreted 'dizziness.' I feel like I can get it quite lightly a lot of the time but then again quite intensly out of nowhere almost like a 'shock' to the head or like being pushed suddenly.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

14-12-09, 19:25
Hi adama

This thread may be of some use to you....


Take care

14-12-09, 19:26
yes i have where it feels like someones pushed me suddenly or like ive misplaced my footings.

16-12-09, 02:26
Oh yep had that one and also where you are riding down the road and you stop and the road is still moving and sometimes walking I stumble and lose my balance for no reason. Also sitting at the computer the whole room moves around me..If its a kind of dizzy I have experienced it in my life.. I assure you .. Michael