View Full Version : Seasonal and swine flu jabs together

14-12-09, 20:28
Has anyone had the two jabs at the same time? I've got mine booked in for Thursday and my anxiety is through the roof about it. Never had a flu jab before so having two at the same time if freaking me out.
Whats the worst side effects I could get? Don't want to be ill over xmas.

I get hit hard with colds a flu so struggling to decide what to do for the best.


14-12-09, 20:36
I was supposed to get both done last week Paul and never made the appointment - I chickened out so I can sympathise with you!

15-12-09, 10:00
Hello Paul,

My husband, son and myself all had both ours together. The swine flu one gave us an uncomfortable arm, though not unbearable, for a day or two. My husband felt a wee bit out of sorts the next day. We then went on to feel fine. So don't worry.

17-12-09, 13:46
I did have the seasonal and the pneumonia one, with no probs....my friend had swine, seasonal and pneumonia and she is fine....Just a bit achy that night and a sore set of arms for a few days

21-12-09, 17:27
Had both of mine done at the same time, no big dramas, the swine flu one gave me a painful arm for a few days but other than that no other symptoms.