View Full Version : Should i go back to the doctors or try and get better myself ?

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 09:01
Since july ive been really ill. It stared off with bad food poisoning which resulted in me being in hospital for a week and since then its been once thing after another. Ive had a constant headache for about 4 months, chest pains, weakness and trembling and pins and needles and numbness down the left side of my body, also my left foot is badly swollen and im struggling to walk. Ive been to the doctors on so many occasions that the receptionist doesnt have to ask my name, she knows my details without looking them up ! Im sure they all laugh about me. I feel stupid every time i go but i am so desperate to get better, My health anxiety has never been so bad. My doctor doesnt know i have a health anxiety, he knows i have painc attacks and that im anxious but i dont think he realises just how bad i am. Im not on any medication at the moment except for pain relief which isnt helping with the pain. Thats why i want to go back, im in constant pain and cant handle it any more. I also have 3 slipped disks in my neck ans its really sore at the moment. The last time i went was 8 days ago. Do you think the doctor will think im wasting his time if i go back again ?
Sarah x

15-12-09, 09:17
i think you should, if your in pain and the meds aren't working, and i would tell him /her what you just wrote here, you might aswell tell the doc everything because you've got nothing to lose after all.

Hope you feel better soon - Gaz

15-12-09, 09:23
Hi Sarah Jayne,
You will not be wasting the GPs time at all by going back......you are in pain, and incredibly upset with everything, i agree with Gaz you should sit and tell the doc everything about the way your feeling etc.
I hope you start to feel abit better soon hun, take care

Debs xx

claire m
15-12-09, 10:10
hi sarah jayne i fully sympathise with you i was very ill in august and like you was in hospital for a short time. I already suffered from panic disorder but being ill really sent it through the roof and now i have health anxiety too.
Since august i have never felt 'right i have constant headaches tight chest and seem to catch everything that is going around.
I visit my doctor alot as i constantly think that im coming down with something. I really do feel ill.

15-12-09, 10:10
Hi Sarah Jane,

Please don't worry about wasting the doctor's time - that's what they're there for and they get paid well for it. If your foot is swollen you really need to get that seen to. And don't worry about the receptionist - it's only their business to check you in and make appointments, not to judge people. Think about yourself and go back and tell the doctor how you feel. Please don't struggle on your own. Let us know how you get on.

15-12-09, 10:42
can you not book a double appt and really pour your heart out to him/her?
i would deffinately mention you have health anxiety, he will then know where you are coming from an hopefully be more sympathetic
i had so many health concerns, i typed mine up and took in a print out, lol .. i was a little embarassed but at the end of the day, what can be more important than your health and well being - we're now working through them all, although i have some new symptoms for him to investigate in the new year,lol

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 11:42
Thanks everyone for your replies. Ive just made an appointment, i'll let you know how it goes. im dreading it...

15-12-09, 12:47
firstly i like yr perseverance

and i that is what will get u through this
but if the doctor keeps giving you the same none helpful answers you should try another doctor or seek else where for help ,

theres always a solution :)

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 13:26
Ive just been to the doctors and ive never cried so much in my life. I broke down and told him everything, i explained that i couldnt cope with the constant pain im in and that im worried ive got something seriously wrong with me, especially since my ankle has swollen. I told him that i constantly fear that im going to die and just told him that i cant go on anymore like this. Hes given me diazepam, ive got to take it 3 times a day and ive got to go back and seen him on friday morning.
Thankyou everyone for replying, i really dont know what i would do without this site at the moment, theres some lovely people on here that have their own problems to deal with but always seem to have time to give other people advice. Thanks again. Sarah xxx

anx mum
15-12-09, 14:13
Hi sarah if your docs like mine its a complete waste of time always judges me like u im so scared with whats going on they dont seem 2 understand. Have they said what ur ankle is? Which u lived nearer x

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 14:17
I wished we lived closer together aswell, we could help each other through this horrid time ! We'll have to meet up day when we r both feeling a bit better. Ive got an appointment with a rheumatologist 2 weeks 2day about my ankle x