View Full Version : accupuncture

15-12-09, 10:33
has anyone tried accupuncture for stress and anxiety and did it help?

16-12-09, 02:05
I have heard a lot of good things about this treatment but im not sure having all those pins in me would make me feel better lol .. I think it would freak me out. I would be thinking about that character out of the movies .. Hellraiser or something like that. .Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but I noticed nobody responded ..so I did.. Michael

16-12-09, 12:03
It helped me , I used to look forward to going!
Can't afford to go now though.
but even some vets use accrupunture on animals which I think is kinda cool.
it is different for every one but it's worth giving it ago.
I don't remember any pain from the needles but I think you might feel a little pinch that lasts for a second.