View Full Version : My Cry for help !!

15-12-09, 11:11
It feels like this site is my last hope. :weep:

Oh my god PLEASE! Please someone on here help me once and for all!


Why can my partner get up from a late night with me and go to work fine! And i suffer all day feeling fatigue and ran down !!

Why cant i do simple things like go to the supermarket without feel like i have no fuel left! My blood tests were fine. I just dont know whats wrong with my body no more, i feel so weak and defeated by it. It cant repair itself ive had an infection for months now!

:weep: please im crying here im in tears i just want to be normal i want to be able to do things people my age can do i want to live. Im begging. Does anyone have a magic wand or anything :weep: i dont want to go on anymore i really dont i feel so ran down and ill right now i just want to go out and get my partner his christmas presents but i feel so weak! And tired and like im going to pass out! Oh my god im so scared!

Whats wrong with me!

Even at school everyone was perky and full of energy but i dropped out because of how tired and worn out it made me, im so scared is my body running itself into the ground?

15-12-09, 11:18
Hi Ruby

Sorry your feeling so low:weep:

Thre is no magic wand but your answer IS out there somewhere
It does sound like you are a bit run down have you tried to sleep during the day... perhaps listening to some relaxing music or sounds

You are not alone out there OK

Marc x

15-12-09, 11:39
I feel like this most days to, the thing with anxiety is it completely zaps you of any energy you have, and makes you want to do less and less which makes you feel worse, it is a vicious circle the less you do the less you want to do.
You are not alone with this and it will get better, keep strong.

15-12-09, 11:42
i have no answers, but didnt want to read and run
i really feel for you, it seems we're all suffering our own personal demons

im assuming you have been to see your gp at some point, dont want to state the obvious but perhaps its time to pay him/her another visit .. xmas is such a stressful time, you will need all the support you can get - perhaps its the thought of xmas that is making you feel so emotionally drained

does your husband know how you feel and what you are going through?
if not, show him what you have typed here .. he cant possibly fail to realise how much you're suffering and give you all the support he can

not sure if you are managing to get much sleep, but sleep deprevation can have a massive impact on how you function throughout the following day .. extreme fatigue, poor concentration, - cpl years ago i thought i was going crazy, i was like a zombie and just couldnt retain information, i was really forgetful, totally with you with the school thing - thought i was like someone on the outside looking in, even started to get paranoid people were talking about me - went to see my gp and she said was a mixture of sleep deprivation and burn out - was trying to juggle a home, job, study at college, worry about finances, health etc it was just all too much for me and i couldnt sleep with all the worry of it all - then the lack of sleep was making it worse, like a vicious circle

as soon as i ditched the college course and delegated a few jobs to the family, and actually started to say "no" to people, it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders - i managed to start sleeping again, and slowly started to feel better and managed to get through the day

i worry as you sound quite distressed, please go and see your gp or talk to someone close

take care hun xx

15-12-09, 12:38
do you feel only run down and tired or is there anymore symptoms ?

15-12-09, 13:16
Hello Everyone Thanks For Your Replies. Still Feel Very Low Though, MummyGarcia thankyou for your lovely reply it did open my eyes
i do visit my GP alot, i may have to go lay it on the table for them and
ask them for further help.

I went to the supermarket and had a huge panic attack. It was exremeley humilating and had to get out of there because people were staring. :weep:

Johnno i feel run down, tired, dizzy, swimmy feeling, weak, fatigue, sick now and then. Just all the works.

15-12-09, 14:46
Hi Ruby

The number of times I have wept to my husband "I just want to feel normal". I know exactly what you are feeling but what really is normal? The fact is that the majority of people don't feel 100% all the time. Everyone has times when they don't get enough sleep, don't eat properly or drink enough water and we all get hit with infections and virus' from time to time but when you have a health anxiety, you just scrutinise everything.

If you have recently had an infection or virus, your body is probably still using energy to fight it. Listen to your body - try to get at least 8 hours sleep a night, drink plenty of water, eat well and give yourself permission to rest and have time to get better. This is a really stressful time of year. I get myself in a real state every year just trying to make it brilliant for my husband and kids and I am usually exhausted by Christmas Day!

You definitely need to go back to your doctor and explain how you are feeling. It is common for people to be run down for a while after some infections and your doctor may be able to give you some advice. Don't suffer in silence. Let people help you.

I really hope you are feeling better soon. Take care x

15-12-09, 16:36
My heart goes out to you.... but you have now written down your feelings, which is a good place to start.

Yes, go back to your GP.... print out what you wrote and show him/her. It is sometimes easier to explain better on paper, than speaking.

Try to have some "me time"..... just to do what YOU want to do, never mind anyone else....

Please try to keep strong and let us know how you are.

16-12-09, 01:47
Please hang in there mate, I too feel opeless at the minute but just knowing we are all in the same boat is a tonic in it's self.

Don't have any answers but just take it easy pal