View Full Version : what am i meant to do???

15-12-09, 12:14
i ahve been dating my best friend now for 6 weeks and i love you so much hes amazing him and his family know all about me and my self harming and all that crap.And his family are having a hard time at the minute but because of this they have band me from there house stopped me from seeing my boyfriend outside of school and have even taken his phone of him they have said horrible things about me and a normal teenager could probably just get over that but i cant stop thinking about it and asking the question why do they hate me so much. i am very polite and quiet so i just dont get it and ikeep thinking they are going to end up splitting me and my boyfriend up which then stresses me out even more oh god please help????????:unsure:

15-12-09, 12:16
Hi becca

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-12-09, 12:42
you have gotta put your self in there shoes .
and they probably dont hate you they just looking out for there son.
the mind can be a wild thing a maybe there minds a went wild when they found about you , they be thinkin of all the what ifs and what if my son does this or what if he ends up doin it etc...

lastly i dont think that is the main problem , i think if you are self harming maybe you need to look at ways to prevent you from keep doing it ?

15-12-09, 13:12
its a little more complicated than that they seem to have lost it to be honest they are being horrible to there son they new all about my issues months ago and they were fine they took me on holiday with them and then all of a sudden they are constantly having a go at their son and then they randomly ban me from their house it all just goes round and round in my head its horrible i dontknow how to deal with it :unsure: