View Full Version : Hypochondriasis could it be?

20-11-05, 19:18
Well not having a very good sunday not much sleep hands still going numb at night waking up in the middle of the night with bowell problems hands sweating and heart skipping beats and having headachs during the day now!!!Iam just freaking out right now thinking somthing isnt right and my doctors are not finding the root of the problem this isnt normal for a 35 year old male to fill iam scared to death i have somthing bad and they are not finding it are looking in the right place for the sorce my head doc says its hypochondriasis put me on lexapro and it isnt working right now i have been on it for almost two weeks now but the xanaxs does help a little to knock the edge off and to help me eat i wish i could have my life back that i had five months ago that i had before this monster hit me i cant find the key root of what really caused me to go into this and why i cant stop looking for the ansers why?I find my self looking for ansers on the net why iam what iam and why iam so sick with no true anser iam going on my six month with my problems now lost 20 pounds i fill like a skeleton iam always checking my weight everyday one good thing i havnt lost any more weight in two months i have been stable i keep thinking i have liver problems are cancer some where.. i have alot of test all coming back normal i have test done i havnt sould have done tell your in your 50s i keep going threw my mind it could be somthing else?Iam sorry i dont mean to vent in here but iam just lost..

20-11-05, 19:40

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. No problem to vent. I know how horrid and scary this is.

The weight loss is very usual with anxiety - your metabolism is going like the clappers and you're not eating properly and what you are eating is going through you fast ...Right ?

2 weeks in no time for lexapro- takes 4-6weeks to kick in properly and the settling in bit is often 'worse before better 'stuff.

Stop googling- you will never find comfort or answers there. You will only find scary stuff.

Instead , turn your attention to controling and damage limitation for anxiety

Please go back to basics - check you're taking the right supplements and have made the lifestyle changes to help yourself ..

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

You have had extensive tests done and these have all been fine.

You have to let go of this and devote this massive energy into helping yourself now. If as time goes on, there are still a symptom or two that are constant then you can discuss with your doctor and revisit what you can do to investigate it.

Yes people with anxiety do get ill but by adding anxiety and panic you are actually confusing the issues.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-11-05, 20:27
Yes my food goes right threw me..You hit nail on the head!!Right when i eat my stomach makes all kinds of noises after eating I had a colonscopy done and my gi doc says its ibs so i had deases and cancer ruled out of my colon iam wondering in my vit b-12 is low causing my numbness in my hands at night are a pinched nerve in my sholder but this all did start when i started to worry about my health the only thing that keeps me going is my work it kinda keeps my mind off of things i get the week end off so it gives me time to think of my health problems iam always having the what if thinking and it sucks..I just want to go back to my happy smiling self i use to be my mother had axiety hit her in her 30s as well she trys to tell me what it is and she has been there..I know the mind gut plays a role but didnt think it could be these bad..

20-11-05, 21:09


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-11-05, 21:41
Well right now its pretty big!!Iam starting to fill a little better right now started to make some home made stew kinda got my mind off things for a bit and my head is not hurting right now thanks to bayer headache relief..lol and my fav sport is on tv so it helps as well ty very much meg on your insite i just need to work on knowing that this is axiety and it will go away in time...