View Full Version : Mood swings after withdrawal

15-12-09, 14:13
Hi all i'm new to this site, i've been scouting on the forums from time to time and now that i'm back on Citalopram i thought i'd register on here to get some advice.
I've been on citalopram since probably february this year to combat my social anxiety and mild depression, was suprised at how willingly my doctor was to prescribe such things to me after only the first session with him.
Anyway the citalopram seemed to help and got me through a bit of a tough spot earlier this year when i was out of a job for a bit, and then towards the end of september i decided i didn't want to be on them anymore and quit cold turkey.
It was a stupid thing to do i'll admit as ive read everywhere it's not reccomended but i wanted to be off them straight away and thought to myself "ah, how bad could it be".
I suffered with the usual withdrawal effects for the first week or two, nausea, dizziness and brain zaps but they all went away pretty quickly.
What i was starting to notice was my constant mood swings, which would spring up every now and then during the week, say two days a week, where i'd come into work feeling miserable and run down, or other days where i felt so angry i could bite someones head off, but the rest of the week i felt happy as larry.
As the months progressed i noticed my general mood getting worse and worse and seem to happen almost every day now, i always had been quite moody from time to time pre Citalopram but i was never this bad, and i could usually control it a lot better.
I decided to come back on them this month as i have just had enough with tolerating these moods and just want to be happy and social again.
It took me a while to make the decision as i didn't want to go back on them again after all of that but i feel its for the best for now.
My question is has anyone else has any similar experiances with coming off Citalopram cold turkey and having mood swings that have lasted for a few months?

15-12-09, 16:29
There could be a number of things happening here. It could be that some of your original symptoms of anxiety and depression are returning (that's probably what your doctor would say), but it could also be part of the withdrawal from citalopram. It could be a bit of both. When I came off a similar AD I had terrible mood swings and anger - and I still do from time to time. Psychological symptoms from AD withdrawal can certainly last a few months, so I would be patient and put it down to withdrawal for the time being and see if you gradually start to feel better. If not, and it carries on or gets worse, make an appointment with your GP and discuss how you feel.

Hope you feel better soon.