View Full Version : Abortion advice again (sorry)

15-12-09, 14:20
I am sorry to post again, feeling rather low today. I went to see my GP and asked to be refered for counselling, she was really nice and listened to everything I had on my mind.

I told her I found the whole experience very traumatic, and she said as I had no anasthetic I was bound to be traumatised, she thinks counselling will really help in time. I have had some counselling over the phone from Marie Stopes but it isn't the same as face to face.

THe GP said the amoxicillin antibiotic will work differntly to the doxycycline they prescribed, but if I can only take the doxycycline as I am sensitive to anti bs then it is better than nothing. I am now worried I will get an infection, but she said as an aseptic technique is used in theatre it is highly unlikely so not to worry, she said the amoxicillin will do something to protect me, and they are only given as a precaution.

I told her how scared I was that the pregnancy may not have been removed as I was only 5 & half weeks when I had the surgery done, and that it doesnt make it more difficult to remove the earlier it is, so I am terfifed I will have to go through that ordeal again and right now christmas just seems like it will come and go:weep: My poor children are so looking forward to it, I am wanting them to have a good time:weep:

She said if I don't bleed within 10 days not to worry, just test and see if it is still positive. She said some people don't bleed after an abortion if all is removed so not to panic. The nurse at Marie Stopes on the aftercare line said if the bleeding doesn't start within ten days then the lining of the womb isn't coming away, so in that case I would still be pregnant.

I just feel so scared and worried today, worried the anti bs won't work and I will get a serious infection, and worried I am going to have to go through it all again:weep::weep:

Sorry to post again. I just don't know who to talk to.

16-12-09, 00:12
Dear Aimee,

I have just sent you a private message. I hope this helps?
Love and hugs Nikki. x

16-12-09, 11:28
Thanks Nikki xxxxx

18-12-09, 11:17
I started bleeding this morning so I am all in a panic that I will haemorage. It is light red in colour and I have some period type aches but was told that is normal. I rang the Marie Stopes Careline and the nurse didn't fill me with confidence. She said its rare to haemorage after 6 days but its not to say it can't happen, where as the nurse the other day said it would have happened after the op.

I am now all scared. She also said that the antibiotics (amoxicillin 500mg for 5 days) may not have worked aswell. She said anti bs are only a precaution after the abortion but doxycycline works better for womb infections.She said id have stabbing pain and a fever if I had a womb infection though.

So scared now tough that the amoxicillin won't have offered me any protection and what if this bleeding gets worse, at the clinic the nurse said haemorage is caused by infection:-(

Sorry to bother you all again, just all in a tizz and I just want to enjoy christmas with my children, but I am all worried I am going to end up in hospital or something:-(