View Full Version : Going to day hospital

20-11-05, 19:28
I am a bit worried, I am going to day hospital everyday for the next two weeks for some counselling and relaxation classess. I dont know what to expect, the unit is a new one, however the nurse who saw me seemed confident and seemed to know a little about what i was going through. Has anyone else had similiar experiences


20-11-05, 19:31

The worry about it is usually worse and once you get there you will start to calm down and enjoy it.

Take some rescue remedy and a bottle of water and remember that they will see people every day that are scared so they will be able to help calm you.

Good luck with it.


20-11-05, 19:41
.....and look on it that you are getting intensive therapy and relaxation classes. Excellent .

let us know how it goes.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-11-05, 19:42
Hi Keith
This is a great opportunity to meet other people and the techniques you will learn will help. I attended a day hospital for quite a while a few years ago and the courses were ran by psychie nurses and i got lots of tips and information. I also felt it a safe place so i was more inclined to relax and try out the various relaxation exercises we learned. We also did Tai Chi and aromatherapy and it is a good idea to get as much info about anxiety as you can. There was also the opportunity to talk in a one-to-one basis so i found it really good.

Give it a go and let us know how u get on Keith.
Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

21-11-05, 07:51
Hi Keith

Good luck with your session at the hospital....wish I was going along with you as I could do with some relaxation.



21-11-05, 09:10
hope all goes well at the hospital...
im sure you will be gine once you have been once and the next day will be easier...
i think its a great oppertunity and would have liked the option of something like this when i was at my lowest...
let us know how you get on
thinking of you

21-11-05, 09:58
Go for it!

Sounds like a great opportunity to me!


21-11-05, 10:47
Hi Keith,
Good luck! I hope it all goes well for you.:D

Take Care



21-11-05, 19:07
I thank you all for your best wishes. Well I went and the first session was a basic discover you exercise, add pictures from magazines to a sheet that you think represent you. Mine were a little puzzling it was total confusion. The relaxation was good though - a bit of creative writing tomorrow will let you know how it goes


21-11-05, 19:11

Glad it went ok and good luck for tomorrow too.


21-11-05, 19:12
Hi Keith, glad you got through today Ok, good luck for rest of sessions, at least you know what to expect a bit now,

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

22-11-05, 16:32
How did it go today Keith ?

Please Keep us updated.


22-11-05, 20:21

Just thought you would like to know what the ongoing situation is. Today we had creative writing, this is where the scenearo is given and you have to write about it. really it is a disguised way of putting down what you think. It was going quite well until one of the other guys started on about his wife leaving etc. Then i realised mine was alkl about loss as well, loss of me. I was devasted at first to think I was totally lost, then a little voice told me what would the people on the nomorepanic say to you. They would tell you not be so stupid. It helped, iwas able to look more objectively at what I had written and it helped to get to it out. Maybe this therapy will do something for me


22-11-05, 20:26
Hey Keith,

Thats great to hear...glad you can be so open about things.

Hope it helps you.


22-11-05, 22:40
Good that its releasing energy in some form. It will shift you onwards in a virtual from where you are now.

You will then be able to figure out what way you need to continue going in order to help yourself..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?