View Full Version : Leg Problems - Support Please

15-12-09, 17:39
Hi All,

I am have a bit of a wobble, I have had a a dodgy leg for the last couple of months. When I walk I am aware of it at least 80% of the time. My fears are neuro.

Sometimes I have numbness like sensation in my foot or toes, other time it feels like my calf muscles as tense, other times its the knee or even the hip on occasion.

It feels like the movement in my leg is not a fluid as the other leg, when I look in windows it seems to be moving properly, although I feel like I am thinking about it a lot more. It feels a bit stiff, although I am sure I would pass a physical exam.

When I curl and flex my toes in that foot it looks the same but feels different as well. As this has been going on more or less constantly for such a long time and I can't rationalise it I looked on Google and re-freaked myself out about MS. I have been to a neuro in the spring and had a brain MRI in the spring. Part of me wants to go back for more tests, the other knows if I do that the stress of it all will kick all the symptoms off that I have moved away from. If anyone has anything like this I think that it would help me feel better and stronger.

Please any words or support would be much appreciated.

sarah jayne
15-12-09, 21:14
hi ive been having pain, numbness and pins and needles in my left leg, foot and toes, my ankle is also swollen. It been going on for the past month. Ive been to the docs and hes reffered me to a rheumatologist, ive got an app in 2 weeks.I have been worried about it but part of me thinks that if iit was something serious then the doctor wouldnt make me wait ! Ive also has it in my arm and hanf but not as severe. Anxiety can cause lots of physical symptoms and i no its hard but the more you worry the worse you'll feel, it might be best going to the docs if only to put your mind at rest.
Sarah x

16-12-09, 21:11
Thanks Sarah Jayne, I don't have swollen joints - any other thoughts people please....

17-12-09, 08:54

I have been having exactly the same sort of thing for the last 2 months or so as well, must be the season! But I have also been window shopping to see if i'm walking strangely, did yours start with a strange sensation in your calf? Mine did, its just my right leg which is why I have been so worried. I too get the tingling in my toes and esp in the arches of my feet. I have had twitches all over for about 4 months too. I have been to my Doc and two others over the last 2 months about it worried about MS too, they have all said it is not how MS presents itself normally but one has reffered me to the Neuro to try and convince me he said, so now I'm worrying about that! I hope that sounds similar to your tale! Take care.


18-12-09, 19:41
Hi Fully,

That sounds exactly like me - thank you so much for writing. I was really fretting that I was the only one. Mine is on the left hand side - which worries me to. It is reassuring that they don't think it is MS. When do you go and see the neuro - please PM me and let me know how you get on.... I know my problem is anxiety, it is just so hard to remain convinced sometimes. I feel to tired of it at the moment.

Thank you so much for sharing.