View Full Version : Never ending cycle.

15-12-09, 20:39
My health anxiety has strictly turned into like GAD over-night, it's like I'm magically not worried about my health anymore now I'm actually scared to death of the actual panic attacks themselves. I had four in a row yesterday due to my fear of fainting - which I have before, due to low blood pressure but when I panic I get really hot and sweaty and that's the only thing I can remember when I did pass out a few years ago so I'm associating getting hot with fainting and getting hot makes me automatically PANIC so it's a never ending cycle here. I'm scared if it happens once, it will happen again and I can't stop it. I'll just faint all the time and never be able to get it under control because there's not much anyone can do about them. I'm incredibly overwhelmed. What can I do when I'm panicking over panic attacks themselves? I can't get a grip! :weep:

15-12-09, 20:46
This sounds a lot like my issue - I came down with a nasty virus a few weeks back and found myself worrying about what was wrong with me to the point where I got very anxious, and now I'm anxious about that anxiety and I can't stop thinking about it!

Have you spoken to a doctor about it? It's probably a good first step to explain your worries and perhaps get some answers.

That aside, just try your best to relax and let the panic attacks wash over you when they come - They almost certainly won't make you faint, they're just very unpleasant feelings that you can ride out and recover from. Think about it - You had four panic attacks in a row yesterday, but how many times did you faint?

15-12-09, 21:03
Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling like this. I would suggest seeking professional help, firstly from your doctor and then maybe a CBT therapist. This has helped me personally to break the cycle. I understand what it feels like to feel so trapped- it's horrible. Time can help, too. Take small steps. Best of luck.