View Full Version : Streaming cold worse I have had for years

15-12-09, 21:00
My nose has run constantly for 2 days _ I look like rudolph!! My face is very painful and burning and I keep sneezing. I also have the scratchy throat and cough if I try and talk or sleep. I know its just a bad cold and there are so many really nasty things going round inc a bad stomach bug.
what freaks me a bit is that I posted here a couple of weeks ago re my friends son who was a deaths door with misdiagnosed swine flu that was actually pleurisy and pneumonia so of course am worrying that my cold will turn into pneumonia.

I feel as if I should just shove two lumps of loo roll up each nostril as everytime I move or speak whoosh:D

15-12-09, 21:06
Oh I hate that - I can really sympathise with you because I always ending up looking like Rudolph too!! My nose gets red raw. I think vaseline is good for that. There's lots of cold about just now. I'd take some lemsip, rest and keep warm. Colds don't have to turn into something more serious so please try not to worry.

margaret jones
15-12-09, 22:45
Be aware of the tome of year Santa is looking for a few Spare Rudolphs

Only joking your poor things i will get mine Xmas eve ( i hope not )

hope you feel better soon

16-12-09, 00:06
oh hun im right there with you,,ive had it just over a week,,the worse was three days in my nose was so blocked nothing eased it,,i couldnt lay flat as being grosse it all ran down the back of my throat making me gag,,i had a oil burner with almost neat olbas oil burning day and night,,medicated tissues,,eucalyptus sweets till my tongue hurt nothing helped,,,i can at least breath now,,although i have a hacking cough,,i thought i had it bad hubbys on week two,,there is an upside though,,,lol ,,ive a soaring temp,,and even walking my dogs just now at 11.30 tonight and the grounds solid and white ,,i was still warm,,its great weve hardly had any heating on either saving a packet lol,,

19-12-09, 11:01
I completely understand why you should be worrying and I think a lot gets blamed on swine flu especially when you're not even allowed into a surgery to see a GP when you have cold/flu like symptoms.

Try to think about all the colds you've had in the past and when you finally got over them without catching anything else as a result.

19-12-09, 20:42
Thanks everyone - teez glad I am not alone in this - my husband got it a day after me and he is not well at all - I am now on day 7 and still completely bunged up on one side of face the pressure is horrible and have the razor blade bits in my throat so talking makes me cough and the hacking cough is weird sound like a cracked high pitched violin:D
Also finding that if I move my head suddenly I get giddiness - as huband is same assume its the virus.
Have to say its not getting better in a hurry - every morning I wake up and think oh no I feel same or even a bit worse.
my face and head feel like a pumpkin attacked with a bicycle pump! I am also eating the menthylptus like mad and sniffing steam all day long to try and unblock my nose.
I always want to rush off to the Dr to get them to check my lungs in case I am getting a chest infection - I have never had a cold and not gone to be checked:blush: I am telling myself that if I am no better early next week then I will go and see Dr but it will be hell in a packed waiting room with a million others coughing away.

19-12-09, 20:53

That's a shame you've been feeling bad for so long - it sounds more like flu you've had. Yes, I'd see the doctor if it keeps up because like you say you don't want a chest infection on top of it all. I hope you feel better soon. The pumpkin and bicycle comment made me laugh - Sorry!!!:hugs: